Friday, October 18, 2019

News From the FORCE - 10/18/19

Welcome To Our School Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
October 18, 2019

Happy Friday FORCE Families!

We hope you all had a wonderful week!  It was a great week here at Fiddyment Farm with our Book Fair GRAND events and capped off with tonight's Harvest Festival, which is going to be a blast!  Thank you to all the families that were able to attend the GRAND events and/or have supported our Book Fair after school, we truly appreciate all the funds we are raising for our library, and we have enjoyed seeing all of the fun the kids have had with the book fair this year!

We hope to see many families tonight at 5pm for our Harvest Festival to enjoy food, games, inflatables, and our Trunk or Treat Event!

Our hope with this blog is to try to keep it updated weekly so that you can be informed of upcoming events, news, happenings, and important information regarding Fiddyment Farm Elementary and the great experiences your child will be having here at our school this year. 

We love feedback from parents on suggestions on how to keep our school amazing!  Have any concerns or any new ideas? - Please share them with us and answer our short survey!

As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm School, our students, and our staff!

Have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous week coming up!

Ryan Poulsen - Principal
Fiddyment Farm Staff

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!

    We are the F.O.R.C.E.
    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story - Click the circle links: 

    Check out our RCSD Fiddyment Website for all School and Staff Info!

    Monday - October 21 - Early Release Schedule
    Monday - October 21 - After School Enrichment - "Young Rembrandts"
    Tuesday - October 22  - Happy Birthday Mrs. Styczynski
    Tuesday - October 22  - 3rd Grade Field Trip - B Street Theater
    Tuesday - October 22  - Peter Pan Assembly
    Tuesday - October 22  - After School Enrichment - "Early Engineers"
    Wednesday- October 23  - After School Enrichment - "Spanish"
    Thursday - October 24 - 4th Grade (Andrada & Bews) Field Trip - State Capitol
    Thursday - October 24 - After School Enrichment - "Mad Science"
    Friday - October 25 - 4th Grade (Pulis & Cianci) Field Trip - State Capitol
    Friday - October 25 - School SING
    Friday - October 25  -After School Enrichment - "Spanish"
    Friday - October 25  -After School Enrichment - "Honeycode"

    The FOLLOWING Week!
    Tri 1 Ends - Oct. 30
    NO SCHOOL - Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 - Teacher In-Service Days

    A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the amazing parent volunteers that came to set up and work the Book Fair this year!  It has been an amazing success, enjoyed by families and of course our students!  And we have made a lot of very appreciative funds that will go straight to the library to keep up books new and fresh!  It would not have been so successful if not for the help of our volunteers - thank you!

    And of course, all of the planning, organizing, and running around like mad - 
     Bailey Wheeler and Stacy Ocampo 
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for stepping up to chair the Book Fair this year - you both did an amazing job, and I'm sure we speak for everyone when we say your hard work is truly appreciated!!!!

     Our annual Harvest Festival is TONIGHT! - 5pm - 6pm!  To coincide with our Book Fair, the Harvest Festival will take place on the final day of the Fair!

    It will be a night of Trunk or Treating, Costumes, Games, Food, and Fun!

    We are collecting Box Tops for Educational funds again this year!  Our box top contest is just around the corner - and this year- it is even easier to collect Box Tops - you can scan them digitally with the app - Check out the flyer below - Thank you for your support!

    Get a jump start on this year's Yearbook and order early!  This way, you won't have to stress about it and rush to get it bought in the Spring!

    And - ordering is ALL ONLINE - super easy - check out below!

    We are overflowing!!!  If you know your child did not come home with a jacket, sweatshirt, hat, lunchbox, etc, etc, etc, - please come claim it!  The LOST and FOUND rack is located by the front gate every day at pick up time! - THANK YOU!

    Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
    We truly value the partnership between the school and our families, and no one fosters that better than our Fiddyment Farm Parent Teacher Club!  The parents/guardians that help volunteer with school events and activities are very special and very much appreciated!

    Check out the newest newest edition of the PTC Newsletter with some info on upcoming events and information to start off the year!

    We would LOVE your help!  If you are interested in volunteering here at Fiddyment Farm, please click on the link to our district website - Volunteer Policy Page.  There  you will find information about the policy, the difference between Category I and Category II Volunteer, and all the needed paperwork in PDF form to get started! - Thank you for your time!

    Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Stick" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  This week, Mrs. Bews' 4/5 combo class keeps the Spirit Stick with 98% of her students rockin' the black and gold or their school spirit wear!  Way to Room 23!
    Every School SING, we acknowledge some amazing FORCE students here at Fiddyment who consistently demonstrate our character traits, of being FOCUSED, ORGANIZED, RESPECTFUL, COMPASSIONATE, AND ENCOURAGING!

    Last Thursday at School SING we acknowledged some amazing students for showing they they can stay ORGANIZED with their school work and in the classrooms!

    Check them out below!!


    Mrs. Bogert/Evans
    • Landon N. - Landon N. is SUPER organized! He is so helpful tidying up the classroom. He manages his time and does a great job helping others! Well Done, Landon!
    Mrs. Dyas
    • Sofiya & Gabriel -In room 4, Sofiya and Gabriel are always so helpful keeping our whole classroom organized and tidy. We really appreciate their helpful hands! 
    Mrs. Manley
    • Grayson M. - In Room #11 our ORGANIZED leader is Grayson!!! He is always making sure our table groups are all organized!!! Keep it up Grayson!!!
    Mrs. Moore
    • Presley P. & Claire D - Presley is always prepared and ready to learn. She helps her tablemates be the first one ready to transition to the next activity. She does her neatest work and tries her best. She always turns in her assignments and packs up her own things. Claire is always organized. She helps her tablemates stay clean, ready and prepared. She is responsible for her own things. She takes pride in a job well done and follows directions quickly. I'm proud of you Claire!  
    Mrs. Van Voltinburg

      Grayson B. - In room 10 we are honoring Grayson B. for being a FOCUSED member of the FORCE!


    Mrs. Ely
    • Evan W. - In Room 1, we are recognizing Evan for being so organized! He is responsible for his things and he helps keep our classroom organized by putting things away in their place. Way to go, Evan! Thank you for being ORGANIZED! 
    Miss Johnson
    • Gianna V. -Room 8 would like to congratulate Gianna V. for being organized at school. She keeps track of her work and loves to help out in the classroom. Thanks, Gianna!
    Mrs. Julian/Schacht
    • Olivia K. - Olivia is being recognized in Room 9 for being organized! Olivia is always ready to learn. She is always a 5-Star Listener and focuser. She always has her materials ready and brings her folder back every day. We appreciate you, Olivia! 
    Mrs. Marcoux
    • Izabelle A. - Izabelle A. is very organized in Room 5. She makes sure that all of her group's supplies are carefully put in their place. Izabelle always helps to make sure our room is clean and orderly. Thank you Izabelle!
    Ms. Purcell
    • Emara D. - Ms. Purcell's 1st grade would like to congratulate Emara for being ORGANIZED! Emara keeps her table basket and cubby organized, and never needs a reminder to clean up her work area. She LOVES to help her teacher with organizing projects too! Congrats Emara!


    Mrs. Benato
    • Aaliyah R. - In Room 16 we are recognizing Aaliyah for being organized. Aaliyah has a spot for everything in her desk. She comes prepared for class everyday with the items needed and is ready to learn and participate. Way to go, Aaliyah! Thank you for being a great role model.  
    Mrs. Cutter
    • Noelle M. - Noelle is an ORGANIZED student! She keeps her desk nice and neat. She can always find the supplies she needs to learn when needed, and she does an excellent job helping to keep our classroom in order. Way to go, Noelle! 
    Mrs. Finn
    • Jocelyn T. - Jocelyn is receiving the award this month for being ORGANIZED! Of course, Jocelyn is organized with her classroom materials! Most impressive is that Jocelyn is organized in her thoughts. She thoroughly answers every question taking time to extend her thinking. I am so proud of her. Congratulations Jocelyn!
    Ms. Richard
    • Cameryn L. - Room 13 is recognizing Cameryn for being an "Organized" student in 2nd grade. Cameryn always makes sure her desk is neat and knows exactly where all of her materials are! Way to go Cameryn!


    Mr. Denney
    • Ella C. - Ella stayed in at her snack recess to organize her desk. Great job lady! Way to be on top of things!
    Ms. Harless
    • Kenzie C. - I can always depend on Kenzie to be organized and ready for the day. She is an excellent example of what it means to be an organized student. Great job Kenzie!
    Mrs. Jackson
    • Lucy J. - Lucy, you are a grand example of an "organized" student! Thank you for keeping your desk super neat and clean. Thank you for taking pride in your work. It is always neat and completed on time! Keep up the the amazing work!
    Mrs. Schmidt
    • Ella S. - Ella is ORGANIZED in Room 25! She is a leader in our class. She always has her work space organized and gets things put in the right spot. Keep it up, Ella!
    Mrs. Williams
    • Naomi L. - Room 26 would like to recognize Naomi for being super FOCUSED! Naomi is always prepared for learning, she is always helping her classmates, she has a positive attitude toward learning, and she is always offering to help in the classroom. Naomi is an excellent example of being FOCUSED! Way to go, Naomi! We are so proud of you!


    Mrs. Andrada
    • Natalie L. Natalie always has the materials she needs to be successful. She also spends a lot of time organizing our room on her own time.   
    Mrs. Bews
    • Keren C. - Keren also exhibits all of the FORCE traits, but is a wonderfully organized student. She keeps her materials neat and organized which saves her a lot of time because she is always prepared to work quickly. Keren helps others around her stay organized too. I absolutely adore Keren and applaud all her hard work!
    Mrs. Cianci
    • Naomi A. - This week in room 22 we are honoring Ms. Naomi A. for being Organized. Naomi is a student who in organized in her daily routine. She always knows where her materials and supplies are. I can always count on her to be organized with her materials ready and is always ready to learn something new. 
    Ms. Pulis
    • Claire G. - Claire is a very ORGANIZED 4th grader! Her desk is always clean and she always knows where things are located. Claire often helps others get organized as well (including me!). Her organization and helpful spirit make her a great student and a good friend. Claire's ORGANIZATION is amazing!!


    Mrs. Adams
    • Sean A. -  He is on time, has an organized desk, he knows where everything is and is always prepared.
    Mrs. Bews
    • Annabelle S. - Annabelle can be recognized for ALL of the FORCE characteristics because she embodies each one. However, I am recognizing her for the trait of organized, because she is truly a master of organization. Her space is always kept neat and tidy. Her supplies are readily available and she keeps her work neatly organized in her binder. I am so lucky to have Annabelle and watch her amazingness every day!!!
    Mrs. Grilione
    • Ella B. - Organizes her own things and helps others stay organized too
    Mrs. Morgan
    • Grace C. - Grace is an outstanding organizer! She works hard to keep her desk clean, her papers sorted correctly, and her materials ready to go. In addition to organizing her physical materials, Grace works hard to organize her time and stay focused to get tasks completed. She is always willing to share her expertise with her classmates by helping them get materials and papers organized as well. Thank you, Grace, for being awesome!
    School SING will return this coming week on Friday - where we will acknowledge more amazing FORCE students for being ORGANIZED at school - Check back here next Friday for a list of students and picture! 

    This school year, we are re-focusing our PBIS (Positive Behavior Expectations and Supports) structure to be more simplified for our students.  We are going to continue with our character themes of F.O.R.C.E. - Focused, Organized, Respectful, Compassionate, Encouraging, and put more emphasis on good character traits and habits.  

    On the behavior side, to simplify the "behavior" expectations, we have chosen 
    Be Safe - Be Responsible - Be Respectful  
    These are very simple for our students to understand, and are easy to reinforce and celebrate when students follow expectations and make good choices!  These 3 main behavior expectations, will also carry over to Chilton Middle School, as they use the same 3.

    When students do make good choices and follow behavior expectations, and show great character qualities of the F.O.R.C.E., they will be acknowledged at different times of the year, in different ways, from awards, to FORCE Tickets, to prizes - we want to acknowledge our FORCE students for showing up every day and being a true "FORCE" in our school!

    If your child comes home with a FORCE ticket stub - they made a really good choice at school and should be encouraged to continue their positive choices and behaviors in the future!

     Our REMIND account is back online this year and we are excited to have another outlet to communicate with our families!  Last year we were unable to use it because of district guidelines, but now they have been approved for district and school use again!  

    The app is downloadable on ios and android and is basically a way to receive text message reminders from the school on upcoming events, with no privacy concerns or personal phone numbers shared.

    If you are already signed up from before, you will start getting text reminders soon - and you can always opt out as well.

    If you are new to Fiddyment, or new to Remind and you would like to receive school reminders via text, here is how to do it:

    If you are you looking for some amazing enrichment opportunities for your child, we have some awesome after school programs starting up in September at Fiddyment!  There is a wide range of selection, from Art, Science, Engineering, Coding, and Spanish.


    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.