Monday, April 19, 2021

News From the FORCE - 4/19/2021


Welcome To Our School Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
April 19, 2021

Happy Monday FORCE Families!

We hope that your week has started out well and that you are all staying healthy and safe.  April is flying by here at The Farm as we edge closer and closer to the end of this school year. 

Below this message, check out some new information on PTC events, school yearbook, and survey reminders.  There are also a bunch of new flyers for enrichment activities in the community!  We are hoping for a smooth and fulfilling last 6 weeks of school for both our Champions online students as well as students here on campus.  Although this school year has been so different from others, and most can't wait to return to some normalcy in the Fall, our hope is both students and staff will finish 20/21 strong with a successful send off to summer.  
We are keeping the expectations information below this paragraph on the blog as reminders of safety procedures while we are in live person teaching with a shortened day. - The closer we can conform to these expectations, the less chance there will be of classroom or the whole school having to quarantine and switch to distance learning.  

1. If your child complains about being ill or shows symptoms of illness while at school, they will most likely be sent home.  When this happens, our district nursing staff will then reach out to the family and inquire about the student, documenting symptoms, and giving a timeline for that student to return to school.  This could be the next day, or staying out for a longer period - it all depends on the symptoms and possible COVID-19 risk/exposure.  PLEASE NOTE - Fiddyment Farm is bound to the directive of the district office nurse's COVID team and cannot overturn their plan for students to return to school.  We appreciate your patience if one of your children become ill and have to stay away from school for a period of time, as we CANNOT let students return unless they are cleared by the nursing team.  If you have a child out for a period longer than a day or two, your child will be offered school work to stay up to speed on classroom learning. 

2. Please do a proper health check of your children BEFORE they come to school - take their temp, ask about queasy tummies and headaches, check for runny and stuffy noses, and listen for coughs.  And if your child has symptoms of being sick for any reason, please keep them home until they feel better - they can always catch up on the work, but getting others sick could lead to bad outcomes down the road!

3.  Please make sure your child does NOT leave the house without a face covering, as they are now mandatory for all students in TK-5th grade.  So far EVERYONE has been doing AWESOME with this!

4. Please remember our new attendance procedure - if your child is staying home from school, you no longer need to call - just fill out the quick Google Form - LINK HERE!

5. Please try to refrain from dropping off items in our school office.  We need to limit the amount of exposure to others in order to keep you and our staff safe.

As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, our students, and our staff!  Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care!

Have a wonderful rest of your week and remember to always - "BE A FORCE FOR GOOD"

Ryan Poulsen - Principal

Fiddyment Farm Staff

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!

    We are the F.O.R.C.E.

    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story - Click the circle links: 

    Have you fill out the Parent-Family Survey yet?  If so, THANK YOU - We appreciate your time and feedback!

    If you have not had a chance to do so yet - Please take 5-10 minutes to tell us what you think of our school!

    HERE is the link to the 2020/2021 Parent Family Survey!


    Wow, wow, wow!
    Thank you everyone for participating in this year's Hero Squad campaign! Even in these trying times we will still be a top school, and that makes my heart burst with pride! 

    Here are the Class totals!

    Richards' class took the top spot in the entire school! with $600!

    Harless' class took the top spot for the upper grades and 2nd place overall with $591.20!

    Styczynski had a late donation of $500 putting her class in 3rd place!

    Honorable Mentions:
    Bews $461
    Manley $450
    Morgan $440
    Grilion $335
    Benato $305
    Kona Ice raised $350 also!!!

    Our GRAND total was...... $7,420.50... AMAZING!!!!!

    Can't thank our FORCE Families enough for their generous support!!

    Mrs. Bews

    A Message from Cooley Middle School to our 5th Grade Families!

    Hello 5th Grade FORCE!!

    We are so excited for our incoming 6th graders to get started 🐍

    Incoming 6th Grade Cooley Families ~ Join Cooley social media for updates.  Cooley will use social media and email to keep you up-to-date on Orientation Day, and more for your incoming 6th Grader! 


    If you haven't bought your pre-sale order of this year's yearbook, there is still time!  We have a wonderful parent volunteer who is creating a yearbook for families through Shutterfly, that includes a class group photo, a couple of class candid shots, and head shots for every support staff! 

    $25 per yearbook and CASH ONLY Please 
    We cannot process cards/checks at this time - Thank you! 

    Yearbooks will be on sale:

    ~ Monday - April 19 - 1:30pm - 2:30pm

    ~ Friday - April 23 - 3:30pm - 4:30pm

    ~ Monday - April 26  - 1:30pm - 2:30pm

    Yearbooks will be ordered next week and we expect them to be delivered the final 2 weeks of May!

    Thank you for your support!

    Have you joined our Fiddyment Farm PTC yet?

    Click HERE for a link to the Fiddy PTC Page where you can officially join PTC and more!  It's also where you can purchase spirit wear to finish out this year or start with fresh gear next year!!!

    Want to stay up to date on PTC info?  

    Check out the Fiddyment Farm Facebook Page - Click HERE!

    ONLINE BOOK FAIR is happening NOW!!!

    Check it out below and help support our library!

    Fiddyment Farm Elementary 


    UPDATED  - APRIL, 2021

    Below is our NEW - 2021/2022 DISTRICT RCSD Calendar!

    Roseville City School District is here to help!
    If you or anyone you know is struggling at home with coping with the stress this change has brought upon us all, our school district wants you to know that we are here to help you as best we can.  The district has trained professionals that can assist and support students and families, and we also have immediate access to and contacts in professional help through the Placer County Office of Education!

    If you are someone you know feels like they need to reach out for help (non-emergency help), then please click the link below and someone will contact your for support! - Thank you!


    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.