Friday, January 18, 2019

News From The FORCE - January 18, 2019

Welcome To Our Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
January 18, 2019

Happy Friday FORCE Families!

We hope you had a wonderful week and are ready for a nice, relaxing 3 day weekend!  Remember, there is no school on Monday (Jan. 21) as it is a holiday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday!

This week has been great here at Fiddyment, with lots of learning and fun happening in and out of the classroom.  Nice that the weather cooperated the last couple days to get our students outside to play during recesses!  The students also had the pleasure of a "Mad Science" assembly, where they were shown examples of air pressure and movement with fun and humorous experiments! 

Thank you to everyone who came out to Chick-Fil-A on Tuesday night for our annual "Staff Greet" Dine Out Night!  So nice to see the kiddos enjoy walking in and seeing their favorite teachers there to greet and serve them!

Check out the Blog below for some important news and updated community flyers!

As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm School, it's students, and it's staff!  Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!
    We are the F.O.R.C.E.
    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story: 

    NO SCHOOL - Monday - Jan. 21
    Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL this coming Monday, January 21st, as we observe the birthday of the great Martin Luther King Jr.   We look forward to seeing our students back on The Farm on Tuesday, January 22nd!

    Girls on The Run Club
    Our amazing Girls on the Run Club is returning to Fiddyment very soon!  Last year was our first year creating and running the club, and it was a ton of fun for our participants as well as for our staff members who served as coaches!  We are excited to bring it back this year - check out the flyer below for more info!

    Spanish Class @ Fiddy!
    If you haven't seen the advertisement for the upcoming after school Spanish class, check it out below!  Starting the week after next, Fiddyment is hosting the after school Spanish club put on by "Enrichment World" and will be teaching K-5 students using certified teachers and research based curriculum. The only cost to families is the tuition that pays for the company's time and teachers. 

    This program is especially beneficial to 5th grade students to get a jump start on the language and be more prepared for Middle School Spanish class next year!

    5th Grade Families - Check It Out!
    If you have a student headed to Chilton next year for Middle School - you'll want to attend their Showcase Night this coming week on January 24th - Check out the flyer below for more info!

    Yearbook Online Sale!

    Get an early start on your Yearbook order and not have to worry about last minute scrambling in May!  

    The Yearbook ordering process is simple and online! 

    Yearbooks are only $20 if you order now, but will go up in price towards the end of the school year, so order now - thank you!

    Just CLICK HERE on this link and enter the code below!

    Please Support Our Awesome PTC
    If you haven't joined our amazing PTC yet, we highly encourage you to do so!  By becoming a member, you are NOT committing yourself to any meetings, duties, or obligation, however, you WILL be simply giving a membership fee that help support the awesome community events that the PTC puts on, as well as helping financially with purchases the school makes that enhance the learning and fun for our students!  By becoming a member, you also get voting rights to help guide the goals and choices that the PTC makes as a whole!



    Photographer for Father Daughter Dance!

    The committee putting on the Father-Daughter Dance this year is in need of another photographer for the dance!  If you or someone you know would like to help out with some photography skills, please reach out to the PTC via email -

    Your help is much appreciated! - Thank you!

    Want To Volunteer at Our School?
    We would LOVE your help!  If you are interested in volunteering here at Fiddyment Farm, please click on the link to our district website - Volunteer Policy Page.  There  you will find information about the policy, the difference between Category I and Category II Volunteer, and all the needed paperwork in PDF form to get started! - Thank you for your time!

    School Spirit and School SING
    Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Stick" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  This week the winner with 90% is Mrs. Cianci's class - Way to show that spirit!

    Our School SING will return on February 1st but we wanted to keep our current recognized students up until we refresh on the 1st!

    Here is a list and a pic of some of our RESPECTFUL Students!


    Ms. Bruins - Lukas M. - Room 1 is recognizing Lukas for being respectful. He is polite and caring towards adult and classmates. Great job Lukas!

    Mrs. Jones - Arianna H. -  This week we are honoring Arianna. She is a kind, cooperative, and respectful of her classmates and teacher. Way to go Arianna!


    Mrs. Bogert/Evans - Sofia G. - Sofia is always respectful towards her friends and teachers. Well Done Sophia! 

    Mrs. Dyas -Kalen C. - In room 4, Kalen always makes thoughtful, respectful choices when communicating with his classmates. He sets a great example for others to follow. He treats others the way he would like to be treated.

    Mrs. Ely - Emma M. - In Room 12, we are recognizing Emma! She is respectful of others, our classroom, and our school. We are so proud of you, Emma! 

    Mrs. Manley - Myah W & Milana T. - In Room #11 our RESPECTFUL leaders are Myah and Milana!!! Thank you for always being respectful to everyone in our classroom! Keep it up!!!

    Mrs. Van Voltinburg - Johnny A. & Gianna H. -In Room 10 we are honoring Johnny and Gianna for being respectful members of The FORCE!  Way to go!!!

    First Grade

    Mrs. Finn - Harper S. - Harper is receiving this award for being very RESPECTFUL at all times. Harper has a great habit of saying please, thank you, and excuse me to adults and other students. She takes pride in her work and is always on task. She is a wonderful joy to have in my class. Congratulations Harper!

    Mrs. Julian/Schacht - Jake R.. - Room 9 is recognizing Jake for being respectful! Jake is always kind to his friends and teachers. He shows respect during learning times and while at recess with his peers. He follows school rules and always does his best to respect his classroom materials. We appreciate you, Jake! Way to go! 

    Mrs. Marcoux - Bryson G. - Bryson is RESPECTFUL in room 5 by following our classroom and school procedures and being kind to his classmates. Great job Bryson!

    Ms. Purcell - Avenir G. - Ms. Purcell's 1st grade class would like to congratulate Avenir for being RESPECTFUL! Avenir always says good morning to his teacher and is polite to everyone in our class. Great job Avenir!

    2nd Grade

    Mrs. Cutter- Stephanie B. - Stephanie is a very RESPECTFUL student! She is always willing to help others, helps takes care of our classroom, and always listens to the speaker. Thank you, Stephanie, way to go!

    Ms. Johnson- Patrick C. - Room 8 would like to congratulate Patrick for always being so respectful. He has been a great listener and has been working hard to follow all of the directions in class. Way to go!!

    Ms. Richard - Ashveer K. - Ashveer is being recognized for being a respectful student in Room 13. Ashveer is always very respectful in the classroom and at recess. He consistently listens and follows directions without having to be reminded. Way to go Ashveer!

    Mrs. Schwartz - Alena J. - Alena is being recognized because she is an extremely RESPECTFUL 2nd grader! Alena shows respect by always following our classroom and school rules. She is also a respectful friend to her classmates. Alena is a role model of an all around RESPECTFUL student! Keep it up Alena!

    3rd Grade

    Mr. Denney- Emmanuel G. - Emmanuel is a great kid and is very respectable to his classmates, friends, and his teacher. This award was made for him!

    Ms. Harless - Vivian M. - Vivian is such a respectful student. She speaks politely to adults and her fellow students. She listens and follows directions, too. She is a wonderful role model!

    Mrs. Jackson - Jason K. - A huge shoutout from Room 20 to Jason for being an amazing model of a respectful student.  Jason demonstrates respect by listening when others are speaking. He is polite to others in the class as well as on the playground. Keep up the wonderful work, Jason!

    Mrs. Schmidt - Tristan D. - Room 25 is honoring Tristan for being RESPECTFUL! He works hard in class to listen and follow directions. He is always respectful with everyone around him. Great work, Tristan!

    4th Grade

    Mrs. Benato - Emily C. - In Room 16 we are recognizing Emily for being a RESPECTFUL student. Emily is always listening to others when they are sharing and works quietly in the classroom. She also shows the quiet sign to others to role model good listening during instruction. Way to go, Emily!  

    Mrs. Cianci- Kailey Q. - This week we would like to recognized Kailey Q. for being our RESPECTFUL student of the week. Kailey is a student who is ALWAY respectful to her teacher and peers.Whether it is inside or outside the classroom Kailey is an excellent role model to her peers and classmates. Way to go Kailey! Keep being amazing.

    Ms. Pulis - Giuliana F. - Giuliana "Gigi" is a very respectful person both inside & outside of our classroom. She listens attentively, helps others, waits her turn, & is always very polite. She encourages others to be respectful too. Gigi is a very RESPECTFUL 4th grader!  

    5th Grade

    Mrs. Bews - Melina M & Alexa E. - Melina is an extremely respectful student. She always listens and follows directions the first time in class and is a great friend to many. She is a peer helper and a great leader for our school!  Alexa is an awesomely respectful student. I can always count on Alexa to do the right thing, even if no one is watching her. She is always on task and is a great listener. I am so thankful to have Alexa as part of the room 23 family!

    Mrs. Williams - Chase G. - Room 24 would like to recognize Chase G. for being super RESPECTFUL! Chase is extremely respectful with his peers and Fiddyment staff. He is always willing to help others in the classroom, as well as outside the classroom with Peer Helpers & Safety Patrol. Chase is very respectful during his learning and collaborative work with others. Way to go, Chase! We are so proud of you!

    After School Enrichment At "The Farm"
    If you are you looking for some amazing enrichment opportunities for your child, we have some awesome after school programs starting up in September at Fiddyment!  There is a wide range of selection, from Art, Engineering, Coding, and Spanish.

    Lunch Menu
    RCSD Approved Community Flyers!

    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    How are we doing?  We love Feedback from parents on suggestions on how to keep our school amazing!  Have any concerns or any new ideas - Please Share and answer our short survey!

    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

    Friday, January 11, 2019

    News From The FORCE - January 11, 2019

    Welcome To Our Blog!
    Message From Our FORCE Staff
    January 11, 2019

    Happy Friday FORCE Families and Happy 2019!

    Welcome back to the 2019 half of the 2018/2019 school year FORCE!  We hope you had an amazing Winter Break and that your 2019 is off to a wonderful start!  The staff was so excited to come back and see all the smiling faces return!  We made it through a nice short week to transition back to normal learning functions at The Farm!  We have some awesome events coming up in January - Our School Musical practice is up and running, next week we have a "Mad Science" assembly, we have our Girls on the Run Club returning soon, as well as our new Spanish After School Enrichment, and our Chik-Fil-A Dine out Night is next week just to name a few!  January is going to be a fun month as we get right into the middle of Trimester 2 and the students continue to learn new and amazing things at school!

    Check out the Blog below for some important news and updated community flyers!

    As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm School, it's students, and it's staff!  Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!
    We are the F.O.R.C.E.
    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story: 

    Girls on The Run Club
    Our amazing Girls on the Run Club is returning to Fiddyment very soon!  Last year was our first year creating and running the club, and it was a ton of fun for our participants as well as for our staff members who served as coaches!  We are excited to bring it back this year - check out the flyer below for more info!

    5th Grade Families - Check It Out!
    Our If you have a student headed to Chilton next year for Middle School - you'll want to attend their Showcase Night coming up on January 24th - Check out the flyer below for more info!

    Yearbook Online Sale!

    Get an early start on your Yearbook order and not have to worry about last minute scrambling in May!  

    The Yearbook ordering process is simple and online! 

    Yearbooks are only $20 if you order now, but will go up in price towards the end of the school year, so order now - thank you!

    Just CLICK HERE on this link and enter the code below!

    Bike and Scooter Reminder For Students

    Revisiting Student Expectations for the 2019 half of the school year!

    Parents, please remind your children, as we continue to do so, that it is not safe and against school expectations for students to ride their bikes and scooters anywhere on campus, including the parking lot/waiting areas.

    In the morning, as soon as students come onto campus, they should get off of their bikes and scooters and walk them to the gate they wait to come in when the bell rings.  And at dismissal students should walk their bikes and scooters all the way to the sidewalk/street, clear of the campus and other students.

    These safety measures, will help to ensure that students who are walking or standing on campus, are not run into by students riding bikes or scooters, which seems to be a major issue, when students are adhering to the proper expectations.  A simple reminder from you each day, may be all your child needs to stay safe - thank you! 

    Please Support Our Awesome PTC
    If you haven't joined our amazing PTC yet, we highly encourage you to do so!  By becoming a member, you are NOT committing yourself to any meetings, duties, or obligation, however, you WILL be simply giving a membership fee that help support the awesome community events that the PTC puts on, as well as helping financially with purchases the school makes that enhance the learning and fun for our students!  By becoming a member, you also get voting rights to help guide the goals and choices that the PTC makes as a whole!



    Photographer for Father Daughter Dance!

    The committee putting on the Father-Daughter Dance this year is in need of another photographer for the dance!  If you or someone you know would like to help out with some photography skills, please reach out to the PTC via email -

    Your help is much appreciated! - Thank you!

    Want To Volunteer at Our School?
    We would LOVE your help!  If you are interested in volunteering here at Fiddyment Farm, please click on the link to our district website - Volunteer Policy Page.  There  you will find information about the policy, the difference between Category I and Category II Volunteer, and all the needed paperwork in PDF form to get started! - Thank you for your time!

    School Spirit and School SING
    Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Stick" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  This week the winner with 98% is Mrs. Cianci's class - Way to show that spirit!

    Our School SING today was awesome!  We had a blast and recognized some amazing students for being RESPECTFUL in the classroom and around campus!- Way to Go FORCE!

    Here is a list and a pic of some of our RESPECTFUL Students!


    Ms. Bruins - Lukas M. - Room 1 is recognizing Lukas for being respectful. He is polite and caring towards adult and classmates. Great job Lukas!

    Mrs. Jones - Arianna H. -  This week we are honoring Arianna. She is a kind, cooperative, and respectful of her classmates and teacher. Way to go Arianna!


    Mrs. Bogert/Evans - Sofia G. - Sofia is always respectful towards her friends and teachers. Well Done Sophia! 

    Mrs. Dyas -Kalen C. - In room 4, Kalen always makes thoughtful, respectful choices when communicating with his classmates. He sets a great example for others to follow. He treats others the way he would like to be treated.

    Mrs. Ely - Emma M. - In Room 12, we are recognizing Emma! She is respectful of others, our classroom, and our school. We are so proud of you, Emma! 

    Mrs. Manley - Myah W & Milana T. - In Room #11 our RESPECTFUL leaders are Myah and Milana!!! Thank you for always being respectful to everyone in our classroom! Keep it up!!!

    Mrs. Van Voltinburg - Johnny A. & Gianna H. -In Room 10 we are honoring Johnny and Gianna for being respectful members of The FORCE!  Way to go!!!

    First Grade

    Mrs. Finn - Harper S. - Harper is receiving this award for being very RESPECTFUL at all times. Harper has a great habit of saying please, thank you, and excuse me to adults and other students. She takes pride in her work and is always on task. She is a wonderful joy to have in my class. Congratulations Harper!

    Mrs. Julian/Schacht - Jake R.. - Room 9 is recognizing Jake for being respectful! Jake is always kind to his friends and teachers. He shows respect during learning times and while at recess with his peers. He follows school rules and always does his best to respect his classroom materials. We appreciate you, Jake! Way to go! 

    Mrs. Marcoux - Bryson G. - Bryson is RESPECTFUL in room 5 by following our classroom and school procedures and being kind to his classmates. Great job Bryson!

    Ms. Purcell - Avenir G. - Ms. Purcell's 1st grade class would like to congratulate Avenir for being RESPECTFUL! Avenir always says good morning to his teacher and is polite to everyone in our class. Great job Avenir!

    2nd Grade

    Mrs. Cutter- Stephanie B. - Stephanie is a very RESPECTFUL student! She is always willing to help others, helps takes care of our classroom, and always listens to the speaker. Thank you, Stephanie, way to go!

    Ms. Johnson- Patrick C. - Room 8 would like to congratulate Patrick for always being so respectful. He has been a great listener and has been working hard to follow all of the directions in class. Way to go!!

    Ms. Richard - Ashveer K. - Ashveer is being recognized for being a respectful student in Room 13. Ashveer is always very respectful in the classroom and at recess. He consistently listens and follows directions without having to be reminded. Way to go Ashveer!

    Mrs. Schwartz - Alena J. - Alena is being recognized because she is an extremely RESPECTFUL 2nd grader! Alena shows respect by always following our classroom and school rules. She is also a respectful friend to her classmates. Alena is a role model of an all around RESPECTFUL student! Keep it up Alena!

    3rd Grade

    Mr. Denney- Emmanuel G. - Emmanuel is a great kid and is very respectable to his classmates, friends, and his teacher. This award was made for him!

    Ms. Harless - Vivian M. - Vivian is such a respectful student. She speaks politely to adults and her fellow students. She listens and follows directions, too. She is a wonderful role model!

    Mrs. Jackson - Jason K. - A huge shoutout from Room 20 to Jason for being an amazing model of a respectful student.  Jason demonstrates respect by listening when others are speaking. He is polite to others in the class as well as on the playground. Keep up the wonderful work, Jason!

    Mrs. Schmidt - Tristan D. - Room 25 is honoring Tristan for being RESPECTFUL! He works hard in class to listen and follow directions. He is always respectful with everyone around him. Great work, Tristan!

    4th Grade

    Mrs. Benato - Emily C. - In Room 16 we are recognizing Emily for being a RESPECTFUL student. Emily is always listening to others when they are sharing and works quietly in the classroom. She also shows the quiet sign to others to role model good listening during instruction. Way to go, Emily!  

    Mrs. Cianci- Kailey Q. - This week we would like to recognized Kailey Q. for being our RESPECTFUL student of the week. Kailey is a student who is ALWAY respectful to her teacher and peers.Whether it is inside or outside the classroom Kailey is an excellent role model to her peers and classmates. Way to go Kailey! Keep being amazing.

    Ms. Pulis - Giuliana F. - Giuliana "Gigi" is a very respectful person both inside & outside of our classroom. She listens attentively, helps others, waits her turn, & is always very polite. She encourages others to be respectful too. Gigi is a very RESPECTFUL 4th grader!  

    5th Grade

    Mrs. Bews - Melina M & Alexa E. - Melina is an extremely respectful student. She always listens and follows directions the first time in class and is a great friend to many. She is a peer helper and a great leader for our school!  Alexa is an awesomely respectful student. I can always count on Alexa to do the right thing, even if no one is watching her. She is always on task and is a great listener. I am so thankful to have Alexa as part of the room 23 family!

    Mrs. Williams - Chase G. - Room 24 would like to recognize Chase G. for being super RESPECTFUL! Chase is extremely respectful with his peers and Fiddyment staff. He is always willing to help others in the classroom, as well as outside the classroom with Peer Helpers & Safety Patrol. Chase is very respectful during his learning and collaborative work with others. Way to go, Chase! We are so proud of you!

    After School Enrichment At "The Farm"
    If you are you looking for some amazing enrichment opportunities for your child, we have some awesome after school programs starting up in September at Fiddyment!  There is a wide range of selection, from Art, Engineering, Coding, and Spanish.

    Lunch Menu
    RCSD Approved Community Flyers!

    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    How are we doing?  We love Feedback from parents on suggestions on how to keep our school amazing!  Have any concerns or any new ideas - Please Share and answer our short survey!

    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.