Monday, April 29, 2019

News From the FORCE - 4/29/19

Welcome To Our Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
April 29, 2019

Happy Monday FORCE Families!

HUGE apologies for being so tardy with our blog update!  We hope you are off to a great start to your week!  It is hard to believe that we are headed into May, our final month of the school year!

We have had some amazing events here on The Farm since Spring Break, from our Volunteer SING to our School Carnival, and our Starstruck Family Shows are coming up next week!!!

Please check out the blog below for some new info on upcoming events and reminders!

As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm School, it's students, and it's staff!

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!
    We are the F.O.R.C.E.
    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story: 

    REGISTRATION Reminder!
    If you have not registered yet, you should do so as soon as possible.  If your student is returning to Fiddyment Farm Elementary, will be a new student here, or a 5th grader moving on to Chilton Middle School, you still need to register, and can do so by following this link to the district registration webpage!

    School Carnival - Thank you!

    We are sending out a HUGE THANK YOU to our PTC and parent volunteers who helped make the carnival a complete success and an amazingly fun evening on Friday night!  From our organizers, to class basket makers, decorations, games, food - it was all awesome, and we appreciate all of those who gave up their time and energy for our families, and most importantly, for our kiddos to have a blast!

    Almost Here!
    Our Starstruck Family night performances are next week!  
    If you haven't bought your tickets for the show yet, click on the link below:


    Here is the list of classes and what night they will be performing on:

    WEDNESDAY - May 8 
    Your child will perform in TWO shows
    Once at 6pm and once at 7pm!

    1..TK"We Like To Party"Bruins/Jones
    2..3rd"Good Time"Harless
    3..K"Happy"Manley/Van V/Ely
    4..3rd"Get The Party Started"Jackson
    5..1st"Rip It UP"Marcoux/Purcell
    8..5th"Good Feeling"Williams

    Thursday - May 9 
    Your child will perform in TWO shows
    Once at 6pm and once at 7pm!

    1..K"Happy"B & E/Dyas/Ely
    2..3rd"Good Time"Schmidt
    3..1st"Happy Days"Schacht-Julian/Finn (1st/2nd)
    4..4th"Gonna Have A Good Time"Cianci
    7..3rd"Get The Party Started"Denney
    8..5th"Lets Get It Started"Bews

    Parent-Family Annual Survey
    An email was sent out earlier today with a Google Form Survey for parents and guardians to give feedback to Fiddyment Farm!  We appreciate all of your feedback on things we are doing well, and things we need to improve on!


    5-10 minutes of your time will be very much appreciated  - thank you! 



    Want To Volunteer at Our School?
    We would LOVE your help!  If you are interested in volunteering here at Fiddyment Farm, please click on the link to our district website - Volunteer Policy Page.  There  you will find information about the policy, the difference between Category I and Category II Volunteer, and all the needed paperwork in PDF form to get started! - Thank you for your time!

    School Spirit and School SING
    Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Stick" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  Last week, Mrs. Cianci won the Spirit Stick with a 87% of her students wearing their spirit gear to school - Wow, perfect score - way to go!

    This past Friday, we had a special School SING, where we honored our PTC and classroom/school volunteers!  We appreciate everything they do for our school and for our students!

    After School Enrichment At "The Farm"
    If you are you looking for some amazing enrichment opportunities for your child, we have some awesome after school programs starting up in September at Fiddyment!  There is a wide range of selection, from Art, Engineering, Coding, and Spanish.
    Lunch Menu
    RCSD Approved Community Flyers!

    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    How are we doing?  We love Feedback from parents on suggestions on how to keep our school amazing!  Have any concerns or any new ideas - Please Share and answer our short survey!

    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

    Monday, April 1, 2019

    News From The FORCE - April 1, 2019

    Welcome To Our Blog!
    Message From Our FORCE Staff
    April 1, 2019

    Happy Monday FORCE Families!

    Welcome to April - hard to believe we are only 2 weeks away from Spring Break, and less than 2 months away from the end of this amazing school year!

    Please check out the blog below for a ton of new info on upcoming events and reminders, and make sure to check out our awesome list of FORCE students who were recognized Friday at School SING for showing compassion for others!

    As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm School, it's students, and it's staff!

      Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!
      We are the F.O.R.C.E.
      F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

      Follow Our Story: 

      REGISTRATION Reminder!
      If you have not registered yet, you should do so as soon as possible.  If your student is returning to Fiddyment Farm Elementary, will be a new student here, or a 5th grader moving on to Chilton Middle School, you still need to register, and can do so by following this link to the district registration webpage!

      Autism Awareness Week
      This week, the Fiddyment Farm community will be celebrating themes such as "it's okay to be different" and "in a world where you can be anything, be kind".  The Jedi Council has asked that we "light it up blue" to bring awareness.  Students and staff are encouraged to wear blue all week!  Our librarian will be reading different stories throughout the week, related to Autism.  Teachers are also incorporating different activities into the curriculum to increase understanding!

      GO ALL OUT BLUE on TUESDAY - Autism Awareness Day - Light it Up!
      School Musical - Pirates Past Noon!
      Our School Musical students are finally ready to perform!  They have put in a ton of time and effort, and can't wait to show off their acting and singing skills to their fellow students and their families!

      Students will perform for their peers this week as school assemblies both on Wednesday and Thursday mornings!

      Students will perform for families both on Thursday night at 6pm and Friday night at 6pm

      TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE for the evening performances after school near the Flagpole and cost $5 per ticket!  There will be ticket sales on Tuesday, and Wednesday!

      Mark your calendars!
      It's that time of year again, and the Starstruck program is returning for Year 2 here at Fiddyment!  We are very excited to continue this tradition, as last year, both students, staff, and parents loved it!

      Practices for our dances have begun and more information on show nights and tickets will be coming home soon! 

      Mark your calendar for May 8 and May 9 which are the 2 Show Dates! 

      Here is the list of classes and what night they will be performing on:

      WEDNESDAY - May 8 
      Your child will perform in TWO shows
      Once at 6pm and once at 7pm!

      1..TK"We Like To Party"Bruins/Jones
      2..3rd"Good Time"Harless
      3..K"Happy"Manley/Van V/Ely
      4..3rd"Get The Party Started"Jackson
      5..1st"Rip It UP"Marcoux/Purcell
      8..5th"Good Feeling"Williams

      Thursday - May 9 
      Your child will perform in TWO shows
      Once at 6pm and once at 7pm!

      1..K"Happy"B & E/Dyas/Ely
      2..3rd"Good Time"Schmidt
      3..1st"Happy Days"Schacht-Julian/Finn (1st/2nd)
      4..4th"Gonna Have A Good Time"Cianci
      7..3rd"Get The Party Started"Denney
      8..5th"Lets Get It Started"Bews

      Please remember that the parking lot out front IS NOT A DROP-OFF lane!  We are seeing an uptick in parents avoiding the loop and using the parking lot to stop and let their children out or to double park and walk their children to the curb!!!!  This causes major traffic backup in the lot and very serious safety concerns!  

      Please remember, the parking lot is ONLY FOR PARKING cars in a parking stall and that is all.  No one should use the parking lot as a drop off lane - THANK YOU!

      Lost and Found - OVERFLOWING!
      If you know your child has lost a jacket, sweatshirt, lunch bag, water bottle, etc....please come and check out the lost and found!  It is put out in front of the school by the doors to the multipurpose room EVERY Day!

      We are getting ready to make our Spring Goodwill trip, and will be sending out all of our lost items to Goodwill after April 12!

      5th Grade Cheerleading Tryouts Coming Up!
      If you have a 5th grade student who is interested in Cheerleading for Chilton Middle School next school year, tryouts are right around the corner. 

      There is an important Parent-Info Night coming up NEXT Monday - April 8th.
      Please Support Our Awesome PTC
      If you haven't joined our amazing PTC yet, we highly encourage you to do so!  By becoming a member, you are NOT committing yourself to any meetings, duties, or obligation, however, you WILL be simply giving a membership fee that help support the awesome community events that the PTC puts on, as well as helping financially with purchases the school makes that enhance the learning and fun for our students!  By becoming a member, you also get voting rights to help guide the goals and choices that the PTC makes as a whole!



      Want To Volunteer at Our School?
      We would LOVE your help!  If you are interested in volunteering here at Fiddyment Farm, please click on the link to our district website - Volunteer Policy Page.  There  you will find information about the policy, the difference between Category I and Category II Volunteer, and all the needed paperwork in PDF form to get started! - Thank you for your time!

      School Spirit and School SING
      Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Stick" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  Last week, Mrs. Benato won the Spirit Stick with a 100% of her students wearing their spirit gear to school - Wow, perfect score - way to go!

      We had School SING on Friday, March 29th!  Check out the names and pic of some of our amazing students who were recognized by their teachers for showing Compassion for others!

      Here is a list and a pic of our COMPASSIONATE Students!


      Mrs. Bogert/Evans - Evie M. - Evie care for her classmates very much! She shows compassion and friendship to all. Keep up the great work Evie!

      Mrs. Dyas - Grace W. -In room 4, Grace is always the first to help out a friend on the playground. She likes to include everyone when s she plays. Thanks for being a kind friend.

      Mrs. Ely - Cooper G. - Cooper is being recognized in Room 12 for being a COMPASSIONATE member of the force. Way to go, Cooper! We are so proud of you! 

      Mrs. Manley - Eli T. & Mischa A. - In Room #11 our COMPASSIONATE leaders are Eli and Mischa!!!

      Mrs. Van Voltinburg - West M. - In room 10 we are honoring West for being a compassionate member of the FORCE! Way to go West!

      1st Grade

      Mrs. Finn - Jocelyn T. - Jocelyn is receiving this award for being COMPASSIONATE! Jocelyn is always going out of her way to be helpful and supportive to her peers. She is caring and kind to everyone on campus. We are lucky to have such a COMPASSIONATE student in our class. Congratulations Jocelyn!

      Mrs. Julian/Schacht - Quinn B. - Quinn is being recognized in Room 9 for being compassionate. She is always thinking about others. She shows compassion through her words and actions. She helps her peers and teachers always. Way to go, Quinn! 

      Mrs. Marcoux - Jaxon G. - Jaxon is a very compassionate student in room 5. Everyone wants to be Jaxon's friend because he is so caring and thoughtful. Thanks Jaxon!

      Ms. Purcell- Adrian H.. - Ms. Purcell's 1st grade class would like to recognize Adrian for being compassionate. Adrian is always concerned when a friend gets hurt, and is always ready to offer a hug or a word of encouragement. Congratulations Adrian!

      2nd Grade

      Mrs. Cutter - Gianna G. - Gianna is being recognized as a COMPASSIONATE student! She is a good friend to all and a thoughtful student. Congratulations, Gianna!

      Mrs. Finn - Ryan S. - Ryan is receiving this award for being COMPASSIONATE! Ryan is new to our school this year. He quickly gained many friends because he is a kind and caring boy. He is quick to learn and always makes us laugh. Thanks for being so COMPASSIONATE Ryan!

      Ms. Johnson- Izzy O.- Room 8 is so proud of Izzy for her compassion toward others. She has a calm, caring nature that is so appreciated in our classroom. Way to go, Izzy!

      Ms. Richard- Brooke M. - Brooke is being recognized for being a compassionate student. She does an exceptional job caring about the feelings of others. She is always able to tell when someone is sad and she knows just how to help them feel better. If you are ever having a bad day and need someone to cheer you up, Brooke is your gal! 

      Mrs. Schwartz - Aurora S. - Room 17 is recognizing Aurora for being an extremely COMPASSIONATE 2nd grader! Aurora is always ready to help in our classroom. Also, Aurora is a very caring friend in our classroom. She always listens to her classmates and she tries to help them in any way that she can. Aurora is an absolute role model of compassion! Keep up all of the compassion Aurora!

      3rd Grade

      Mr. Denney - Reese T. - Reese is so thoughtful and kind. She is always thinking of others and shows compassion to everyone she knows. She is such a wonderful person. Great job lady!

      Ms. Harless - Marie M. and Daniel T. - Marie is an excellent example of being compassionate. She looks out for her classmates and makes sure everyone is included. Good job Marie!  Daniel is such a compassionate boy. He is always taking care of the people in our class and he is a very caring person. He even takes care of our classroom at the end of each day! Great job Daniel!

      Mrs. Jackson - Ella K. - Ella, is being recognized by room 20 as a compassionate student. Thank you Ella, for being a great member of the FORCE for including everyone in our class. Keep up the great work!

      Mrs. Schmidt- Eli R.- Eli R. is COMPASSIONATE in Room 25. Eli always uses kind words with others and tries to help out whenever he can. Keep up the good work, Eli!

      4th Grade

      Mrs. Benato - Keira T. - The students of room 16 would like to recognize Keira T. for being a compassionate friend. Her peers describe her as caring, kind and helpful. At recess she helps students up if they fall and she plays with everyone. She is always helping others when she can. Way to go Keira! Spread your kindness everywhere.   

      Mrs. Cianci - Ruby D. & Jack P. - This week in room 22 we are honoring two of our outstanding COMPASSIONATE students, Ruby D. and Jack P. Both of these students were voted in by their classmates to receive this award. Ruby and Jack constantly show kindness, thoughtfulness and extend a helping hand to others when they need it. They are both compassionate in and outside of the classroom and their peers and teacher appreciate this about them. Keep up the great work Ruby and Jack!

      Ms. Pulis - Matthew K.- Matthew is a very compassionate person. He is the first to offer to help when he sees another student struggling in class. Matthew's understanding of empathy exceeds his age & his concerned nature makes him a good friend to others. Matthew is a very COMPASSIONATE 4th grader!

      5th Grade

      Mrs. Bews - Ireland C. -Ireland is fairly new to our school and she quickly fit in and made friends. She is kind and caring and is always looking out for her friends! I am so lucky that I got to have Ireland in my class, and I am proud to recognize her for being a compassionate student!

      After School Enrichment At "The Farm"
      If you are you looking for some amazing enrichment opportunities for your child, we have some awesome after school programs starting up in September at Fiddyment!  There is a wide range of selection, from Art, Engineering, Coding, and Spanish.
      Lunch Menu
      RCSD Approved Community Flyers!

      Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
      How are we doing?  We love Feedback from parents on suggestions on how to keep our school amazing!  Have any concerns or any new ideas - Please Share and answer our short survey!

      The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.