Monday, August 31, 2020

News From the FORCE - August 31, 2020

Welcome To Our School Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
August 31, 2020


We hope you have a great week of distance learning and remember to reach out with any questions or needs of support!

As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, our students, and our staff!  Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care!

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to always - "BE A FORCE FOR GOOD"

Ryan Poulsen - Principal

Fiddyment Farm Staff

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!

    We are the F.O.R.C.E.

    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story - Click the circle links: 

    To improve on Zoom privacy and security, RSCD is not requiring all students are logged into their RCSD kids Google accounts in order to be able to access their Zoom meetings!

    Here is the message from the Technology Department:

    Good morning RCSD Families,

    We would like to remind you of two things:

    1. Technology Update - Zoom Authentication (ACTION REQUIRED)
    One thing we have learned is that Zoom, while a quality product, has some security and privacy concerns. In an effort to protect the security and privacy of our students and staff, we have made some changes to our Zoom settings and will continue to monitor and adjust these settings to allow more functionality and to increase security and student privacy. 

    Action is required to authenticate student accounts and needs to be completed before the start of school on September 1, 2020.  If we follow the directions provided below, we believe we can minimize privacy concerns during our time doing Distance Learning. 
    -Name Changes:  For security reasons, we have removed the ability for students to change their names on our Zoom platform.
    -Authenticated Participants Only: By September 1, 2020, all students must sign-in to Zoom using their Google RCSDKIDS account to attend teacher Zoom meetings. Directions on how to login to Zoom with student RCSDKIDS credentials are on the Parent Resource Site and available here. Additionally, emails have been sent to all students who have not yet authenticated through their @rcsdkids account.


    We wouldn't be able to make it all work without your support!
    We appreciate you and we thank you!

    Have you seen the latest update from Superintendent Garcia regarding the possible return of students to the campus?  In case you missed it, see the message below. 

    Topic: Distance Learning Modified Schedule

    Date: August 28, 2021

    In RCSD, we pride ourselves on seeking feedback and getting better each day.  Based on parent and teacher feedback, your school will modify their daily schedule to mirror their Monday PLC schedule and have a common lunch and recess (elementary only) time across the school site starting on September 8, 2020.  This will reduce the amount of daily screen time for our students and increase our staff's preparation time.  

    While the live instruction dismissal time will be earlier, students are to complete assigned independent work before the next school day. Also, with parent permission, some specialized services may be provided after the live instruction dismissal time as needed. 

    Your principal and teachers will send out your child’s modified school and classroom schedule next week. 

    Thank you for your continued support and feedback.  We appreciate your flexibility and grace. 


    Derk Garcia, Superintendent
    1050 Main Street, Roseville, CA 95678
    (916) 771-1600 ext.50130 | @derk_garcia

    As Mr. Garcia mentioned in the email above, due to parent feedback, our Bell Schedule will be changing beginning - SEPTEMBER 8th following the Labor Day Weekend!

    Mr. Poulsen's video at the top of this blog will go more into detail and includes info about:

    ~ Change in RECESS time
    ~ Change in LUNCH time
    ~ Change in PE and Music
    ~ Change in Teacher Daily Schedule
    ~ Less screen time incorporated into the schedule

    Our Multi Purpose Room will be open WEEKLY with the OPTION for Grade Level Teams to use it to distribute materials and/or collect completed work.  

    EACH GRADE LEVEL TEAM will communicate with their families when specific distribution and collection days will be.

    (Example - Kindergarten may have materials to pick up every week, but 4th grade may only need to get materials out every 2-3 weeks.)

    The MPR will be open:
    EVERY THURSDAY from 3pm -6pm
    EVERY FRIDAY from 9am - 12pm.

    All families that are INFORMED by their teachers to pick up materials or drop off work can come anytime on these days during these times.  (You may have a week or 2 when you are not informed by your child's teacher to pick up or drop off.) 

    Here are the guidelines for parents:

    • Parents will line up outside the door of the MPR (distanced 6 ft apart)
    • We will regulate the amount of people in the MPR . (Ex. when full, when 2 people leave, 2 people will then be let in and so forth)
    • Everyone entering the MPR will be required to wear a face covering
    • We ask that if possible, you PLEASE do not bring children with you, unless you have no other option.
    If you are UNABLE to make it to the MPR during the two days and two time windows, the materials will be left for you to pick up the FOLLOWING WEEK's Materials Distribution/Collection!

    Any questions for clarification around Materials Deployment/Collection, please reach out to your child's teacher and we will do our best to support!
    Due to Distance Learning, we are having to email out our "Annual Family Notice" for the 2020-2021 school year!  This must be signed by ALL families and returned to the school site.  This year, they can be printed out, signed, scanned, and emailed back to our school office.  Our school secretary, Noel Balkema has already sent out an email to families regarding this and many of you have already sent them back - THANK YOU!

    If you still have to sign it and send it back, please email back JUST THE LAST PAGE to:

    You can also drop off the signature page this week at our next materials distribution/collection!


    The district is serving lunch/breakfast combo meals between 11:30 and 1:00 on a daily basis at the following sites:
    Cirby, Woodbridge, Buljan, Eich and Crestmont
    If you would like to pick up multiple meals at one time, just ask the food services staff at the lunch site.  Don’t forget about our nutritious and delicious meals!

    Fiddyment Farm is actively seeking help with our PTC Board and Event Chairpersons. There will be almost a whole new board this year that needs to be created, so if you would like to be involved, the students and the school need your help!

    If you are interested in helping out as a board member, or perhaps being a chairperson for a PTC event next year - GOOD NEWS - Our FIRST PTC MEETING is coming up! -  TOMORROW - Tuesday, Sept. 1st!  You can attend and express your interest, which would be truly appreciated!

    We will be holding a VIRTUAL PTC meeting TOMORROW - September 1st to elect interested PTC board members, approve a budget, and go over ideas about fundraising needs for this school year.

    If you can give up an hour of your time to support Fiddyment Farm, please put this meeting on your calendar - the Zoom info will be sent out the morning of the meeting.


    We hope distance learning is going as smooth as possible for all of you!  Remember, we know that every family's situation and environment is different, and we will always do our best to help support and accommodate to make things possible for the success of our students!


    Need a Chromebook still? 

     We have plenty!  If you are struggling with a slow device, an iPad or something that is just not working for you, please let us know.  We have enough Chromebooks for every student - feel free to call the office (916-771-1880) or stop by and we can help you out!

    Did you get insurance for the Chromebook you loaned out? 

    If you are interested in purchasing insurance for the Chromebook you loaned out, you can get insurance to cover yourself from any unfortunate accidents at home.

    iReady Support for Families

    If you are interested in learning more about iReady and how to best support your child with the online program:

    Need Technology Support?

    During Distance Learning, families can request technical support for issues related to:

    • Learning Applications
    • Forgotten usernames and/or passwords
    • Not receiving District emails
    • District Provided Mobile Device Support
    • Registration Support
    If you need assistance in any of these areas, finding support is as easy as filling out a simple form and someone from the technology department will be contacting you to help!

    Have you visited the RCSD Distance Learning Web Page yet?  There is a ton of great information about online learning and resources under the "Parent Resources" section, that you can access in the top right hand corner of the webpage!  Please take time to check it out!

    Roseville City School District is here to help!
    If you or anyone you know is struggling at home with coping with the stress this change has brought upon us all, our school district wants you to know that we are here to help you as best we can.  The district has trained professionals that can assist and support students and families, and we also have immediate access to and contacts in professional help through the Placer County Office of Education!

    If you are someone you know feels like they need to reach out for help (non-emergency help), then please click the link below and someone will contact your for support! - Thank you!

    If your child needs emotional support during this challenging time, RCSD wants to help and has set up Virtual Calming Areas to help students find activities to cope and reset.


    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

    Friday, August 21, 2020

    News From the FORCE - Aug. 21, 2020

    Welcome To Our School Blog!
    Message From Our FORCE Staff
    August 21, 2020

    We hope your week of distance learning next week goes great and remember to reach out with any questions or needs of support!

    As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, our students, and our staff!  Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care!

    Have a wonderful weekend and remember to always - "BE A FORCE FOR GOOD"

    Ryan Poulsen - Principal

    Fiddyment Farm Staff

      Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!

      We are the F.O.R.C.E.

      F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

      Follow Our Story - Click the circle links: 

      Everyone here at Fiddyment Farm just want to give our families a HUGE THANK YOU!  
      We truly appreciate your flexibility, your patience, and your support over these past 2 weeks as we all have navigated this new way of learning.  We truly apologize for all the bumps along the way, and we are positive that the experience for all will improve as the technology kinks get ironed out, and we continue to learn best practices for our students and families!

      We wouldn't be able to make it all work without your support!
      We appreciate you and we thank you!
      Due to Distance Learning, we are having to email out our "Annual Family Notice" for the 2020-2021 school year!  This must be signed by ALL families and returned to the school site.  This year, they can be printed out, signed, scanned, and emailed back to our school office.  Our school secretary, Noel Balkema has already sent out an email to families regarding this and many of you have already sent them back - THANK YOU!

      If you still have to sign it and send it back, we have included a PDF copy of the notice in the blog email for you to print out, sign, scan, and email back JUST THE LAST PAGE to:

      We will also be sending hard copies out with our next materials deployment, so you can get a hard copy then, sign it, and return it at the next materials/collection date. 
      (More on material deployment and collection below)

      THANK YOU!

      Have you seen the latest update from Superintendent Garcia regarding the possible return of students to the campus?  In case you missed it, see the message below. 

      August 19, 2020

      Good morning,

      With the news that Placer County has been removed from the COVID-19 Monitoring List as of today, we felt it was important to convey what that means for our district and how we are planning to return students to school this year. 

      While we believe this is a step in the right direction, our goal is not to just reopen schools, but to remain open. When we can safely do so, we will return to in-person instruction through a series of stages outlined below and in the Reopen and Remain Open attachments. We plan to continue with distance learning for most students through October 30, 2020. 

      Stage I: Distance learning for all students. (current stage)

      Stage II: Distance learning continues for most students. Some Special Education students, English Learner students, and Intervention students may be able to return to school for required services, assessments, and instruction. To enter Stage II, Placer County must remain off of the monitoring list for 14 consecutive days, so the earliest we could begin Stage II is after Labor Day.

      Stage III: Hybrid model. Students could potentially return to school Wednesday, November 4, 2020, the first day of the second trimester. 

      Stage IV: Traditional model with restrictions.

      Stage V: Traditional model with no restrictions.

      The California Department of Public Health Guidelines prevents us from offering the traditional schedule model at this time due to our inability to accommodate all students while maintaining physical distancing. 

      Parents will select the full-time year-long at home distance learning program or the hybrid model for their child(ren) the week of September 28, 2020.
      Based on student registrations, we will form new classes in October, reassign teachers and prepare our facilities for Stage III. There is the potential that more students could return to in-person instruction on November 4, 2020, the first day of the second trimester.

      While reopening plans vary by district, our intent has been to provide families and staff consistency and stability, while balancing the needs of our students. As conditions allow, we plan to transition from a hybrid model to a more traditional model. If conditions decline, we will move from a hybrid model back to distance learning.

      Please review the attached Board approved Reopen and Remain Open planning documents for specific details related to the reopening stages, health precautions and protocols, transportation, food services, and student activities. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions after reviewing the Reopen and Remain Open documents. 

      Derk Garcia
      Derk Garcia, Superintendent
      1050 Main Street, Roseville, CA 95678
      (916) 771-1600 ext.50130 | @derk_garcia

      We hope distance learning is going as smooth as possible for all of you!  Remember, we know that every family's situation and environment is different, and we will always do our best to help support and accommodate to make things possible for the success of our students!


      Need a Chromebook still? 

       We have plenty!  If you are struggling with a slow device, an iPad or something that is just not working for you, please let us know.  We have enough Chromebooks for every student - feel free to call the office (916-771-1880) or stop by and we can help you out!

      Did you get insurance for the Chromebook you loaned out? 

      If you are interested in purchasing insurance for the Chromebook you loaned out, you can get insurance to cover yourself from any unfortunate accidents at home.

      iReady Support for Families

      If you are interested in learning more about iReady and how to best support your child with the online program:

      Need Technology Support?

      During Distance Learning, families can request technical support for issues related to:

      • Learning Applications
      • Forgotten usernames and/or passwords
      • Not receiving District emails
      • District Provided Mobile Device Support
      • Registration Support
      If you need assistance in any of these areas, finding support is as easy as filling out a simple form and someone from the technology department will be contacting you to help!

      Below is our plan for Student Materials Drop Off AND Collections through Trimester 1

      Our Multi Purpose Room will be open WEEKLY with the OPTION for Grade Level Teams to use it to deploy materials and/or collect completed work.  

      EACH GRADE LEVEL TEAM will communicate with their families when specific deployments and collection days will be.

      (Example - Kindergarten may have materials to pick up every week, but 4th grade may only need to get materials out every 2-3 weeks.)

      STARTING NEXT WEEK - 8/27 & 8/28
      The MPR will be open:
      EVERY THURSDAY from 3pm -6pm
      EVERY FRIDAY from 9am - 12pm.

      All families that are INFORMED by their teachers to pick up materials or drop off work can come anytime on these days during these times.  (You may have a week or 2 when you are not informed by your child's teacher to pick up or drop off.) 

      Here are the guidelines for parents:

      • Parents will line up outside the door of the MPR (distanced 6 ft apart)
      • We will regulate the amount of people in the MPR . (Ex. when full, when 2 people leave, 2 people will then be let in and so forth)
      • Everyone entering the MPR will be required to wear a face covering
      • We ask that if possible, you PLEASE do not bring children with you, unless you have no other option.
      Any questions for clarification around Materials Deployment/Collection, please reach out to your child's teacher and we will do our best to support!

      Have you visited the RCSD Distance Learning Web Page yet?  There is a ton of great information about online learning and resources under the "Parent Resources" section, that you can access in the top right hand corner of the webpage!  Please take time to check it out!

      Roseville City School District is here to help!
      If you or anyone you know is struggling at home with coping with the stress this change has brought upon us all, our school district wants you to know that we are here to help you as best we can.  The district has trained professionals that can assist and support students and families, and we also have immediate access to and contacts in professional help through the Placer County Office of Education!

      If you are someone you know feels like they need to reach out for help (non-emergency help), then please click the link below and someone will contact your for support! - Thank you!

      If your child needs emotional support during this challenging time, RCSD wants to help and has set up Virtual Calming Areas to help students find activities to cope and reset.

      Fiddyment Farm is actively seeking help with our PTC Board and Event Chairpersons. There will be almost a whole new board this year that needs to be created, so if you would like to be involved, the students and the school need your help!

      If you are interested in helping out as a board member, or perhaps being a chairperson for a PTC event next year - GOOD NEWS - Our FIRST PTC MEETING is coming up! - Tuesday, Sept. 1st!  You can attend and express your interest, which would be truly appreciated!

      We will be holding a VIRTUAL PTC meeting on September 1st to elect interested PTC board members, approve a budget, and go over ideas about fundraising needs for this school year.

      If you can give up an hour of your time to support Fiddyment Farm, please put this meeting on your calendar - the Zoom info will be sent out the morning of the meeting.

      (Flyers will be attached PDF to blog email)

      Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
      The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.