Tuesday, February 1, 2022

News From the FORCE - February 2022


Welcome To Our School Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
February 1, 2022

💖Happy February FORCE Families 💖

We hope you all had a wonderful first month of 2022 and are ready for February to begin! We have decided to move our school blog to a monthly newsletter to give you information on news and events coming up each month and beyond. However, starting this Friday, we will be emailing out the "Weekly Roundup" of important news and reminders for the following week(s) ahead to you can stay up to speed on a weekly basis!

Our hope is to keep this blog updated so that you can be informed of upcoming events, news, happenings, and important information regarding Fiddyment Farm Elementary and the great experiences your child will be having here at our school this year.  Fiddyment truly is a special place, where our staff thrives on building relationships with students and parents, in hopes to build a partnership that make everyone's time here safe and enjoyable, especially for our young learners. 

In this blog you will find school updates, important safety reminders, PTC information, acknowledged students and staff, lunch menu, after school enrichment info and community event flyers.

Have a wonderful rest of your week, and remember to always -  "BE A FORCE FOR GOOD"

Ryan Poulsen - Principal

Fiddyment Farm Staff

Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!

We are the F.O.R.C.E.

F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

Follow Our Story - Click the circle link: 

Just a reminder that we are still working towards having all our current Kinder through 7th-grade students complete registration for our upcoming 2022-23 school year! 

Priority registration has closed for individuals seeking an inter or intra-district transfer and those wanting to enroll their student(s) into the Roseville Virtual Academy. However, applications received following the deadline requesting inter or intra-district transfers will be accepted in the order received, added to a waitlist,  and considered on a space-available basis.

As a reminder, all students, even those who are returning back to their same school MUST complete the online registration process. Your attention to this is greatly appreciated and helps RCSD know how to best prepare to meet and accommodate all our students' needs. If you have not yet registered your student please take a moment to do so NOW.


REMINDER - No School Holidays Coming Up Soon!

Monday - February 14th - Lincoln Birthday Observance

Monday - February 21st - Presidents Day Observance

  • As a reminder, the CDPH has updated its guidance on quarantine and isolation rules. If you haven’t had a chance to read RCSD’s notification regarding this change in guidance sent to families on January 18, click here. 
  • We recognize that COVID-19 rapid tests are hard to find right now. The national government has launched a program to offer up to 4 free at-home tests to every American household. Sign up to receive your free at-home tests through the USPS website. Orders will ship in 7-12 days. 
  • As a reminder, if your student is positive for COVID-19, when reporting your student’s absence to school, please make sure to include your student’s positive test date and symptom onset date along with their name and your contact. This information is critical in helping our school site teams monitor exposures. Thank you for assisting us with this! 

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Parent/Guardian Notification Letter 

Dear Parent/Guardian:

There are many ways to measure your child’s learning. Your child’s teacher uses report card grades, classroom work, teacher observations, and end-of-year statewide test results to get a complete picture of your child’s learning. Each year, students participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Your child will take the following tests, depending on their grade level or instructional program:

  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts and math, required tests in grades 3–8 and 11

  • California Science Test (CAST), a required test in grades 5 and 8 and once in high school

The testing schedule for our school site will be sent to parents soon!

You are an important part of your child’s education. To make sure your child feels comfortable taking tests, you can:

  • Explain to your child that these tests are tools to help them learn, and they should not be anxious or scared.

  • Remind your child that you and their teacher want them to try their best and are there to help, every step of the way.

You will receive your child’s results at or before the beginning of the next school year. The results will identify where your child is doing well or needs more help, so you can better support their learning at home and teachers can better support their learning in the classroom.

Parents/guardians who would like to exempt their child from taking any or all parts of the CAASPP summative state assessments (CAASPP/CAA) are able to do so. All such requests will be honored per CDE Education Code.  If you are choosing to exempt your child from taking any of the assessments, you will need to submit a written request specifying your student’s name, grade, and the test/subject. This request needs to be submitted to me by March 18, 2022. Remember, if your student does not test, this means you will not receive CAASPP scores/results.

To learn more about these tests, please feel free to reference the following resources:

Starting Smarter website (English)

Staring Smarter website (Spanish)

Parent Guides to Understanding (English)

Parent Guide to Understanding, (Spanish)

Parent Guide to Understanding Website (Guides available in Arabic, Chinese, Tagalog, Russian, Vietnamese)

If you have questions, please contact Ryan Poulsen, school principal, at 916-771-1880 or rpoulsen@rcsdk8.org


Ryan Poulsen - Principal
Help Support the Jedi Student Council and the SPCA!

Pre-Order Sheet Going Home with Students!
Our Lost and Found is OVERFLOWING -
Please HELP!
If you know your kiddo did not come home with what you sent them to school with, come check out "The Rack" next to the main office after school! - THANK YOU!

Parent Teacher Club (PTC)

THURSDAY, February 3, 2022 at 6:30 pm in the MPR.

We will be discussing the plans for our Spring Fundraiser                            and Gift of Reading.

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A SignUp Genius will be coming for volunteer help.  We NEED HELP to make this a successful event for the school and teachers - PLEASE sign up to help. 

Popcorn Friday Volunteers needed:  CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
Dates for the rest of the year: 2/18, 3/18, 4/22, 5/20

Upcoming Dine Outs: 
2/10 -  BJs
3/10 - Cool River Pizza    

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SPIRIT WEAR makes a great gift – support a Force Family Owned small business this holiday season.  A portion of every purchase goes back to your school.  CLICK HERE TO BUY SPIRITWEAR



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Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Yoda" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  Last Friday's winners were Mrs. Benato's awesome 2nd grade crew for our primary classes and Ms. Pulis' 4th grade rockstars for our upper grade class - way to show your spirit FORCE!

We like to recognize our fabulous students here at Fiddyment Farm who continuously follow both our behavior expectations of being Safe, Responsible, and Respectful, but also consistently exhibit the FORCE traits that we believe make students a FORCE for good, which are
Focused, Organized, Respectful, Compassionate, and Encouraging!

Here is a list of students whose teachers wanted them to know just how awesome they are!  They received certificates from their teachers as well as a reward from the school!


K -2nd Graders


Mrs. Manley Carson P, & Liam S. 

Liam and Carson are always being respectful to others and they always treat others with kindness. Thank you for being such amazing role models!!! Keep it up!

Mrs. Moore Colton D., "PJ" A., Prabhnoor S., & Logan R.

Colton is always respectful. He is a kind friend to others and follows the rules on the playground and in the classroom. Way to go Colton!

P.J. always shows respect in the classroom. He raises a quiet hand and is a good listener. He follows the rules on the playground and in the classroom. Way to go P.J.!

Prabhnoor always is respectful both inside and outside of the classroom. He is focused and pays attention during all lessons. His reading and math scores have soared because of all of his hard work. I'm so proud of you Prabhnoor!

Logan is a respectful and kind student. He always follows rules both inside and outside of the classroom. He remembers to raise his quiet hand when he needs to ask a question or share something with the class. He stays focused during all of the learning time and has shown great improvement in all subject areas! Great work Logan!

Ms. Purcell Logan M., Erika B., Carlos L.,& Khalil H.

Ms. P's kindergarten class would like to recognize Logan for being respectful! Logan is kind and polite to students and grownups. Congratulations Logan!

Ms. P's kindergarten class would like to recognize Erika for being compassionate! Erika spreads kindness wherever she goes. She loves to make everyone feel welcome and is always helpful to her teacher. Congratulations Erika!

Ms. Purcell's kindergarten class would like to congratulate Carlos for being COMPASSIONATE! Carlos is always on the watch for friends that might be sad or mad, and he loves to help them feel better with kind words! Way to go Carlos!

Ms. Purcell's class would like to congratulate Khalil H. for being FOCUSED! Khalil is a hard worker who is always does his work quietly! Way to go Khalil!!

Mrs. Van Voltinburg Chloe S., Gavin C., Jasper L., & Kavan G.

Way to go Chloe and Gavin! Thank you for being a respectful member of the FORCE!

Jasper and Kavan are responsible members of the FORCE! Way to go!


Mrs. Brusaschetti Jasmine B., Veronica R., Amanda D., & Hyed H.

Jasmine is always respectful to her classmates and teacher. She is a role model.

Veronica shows respect in the classroom and on the playground. She is a role model to others.

Amanda is respectful to others as well as to her teacher. She words hard to be an example to others. Way to go, Amanda!

Hyde is always setting an example for his classmates by showing respect to others. Keep it up, Hyde!

Mrs. Grilione Michaela D. & Logan N.

Being compassionate. She found $5 on the playground and promptly returned it to an adult. Great work!

He is always being respectful!

Mrs. Julian/Mrs. Schacht Rafa R., Maryam A., Rilynn R., & Hudson C.

Rafa is being recognized in Room 9 for being respectful! Rafa is always showing kindness and helpfulness to his classmates, teachers and school. Way to go, Rafa! We appreciate you!

Maryam is being recognized in Room 9 for being respectful! Maryam is always helpful, respectful, kind and friendly to everyone. She includes all her friends in play and everyone loves being around her! Way to go, Maryam, we are so lucky you are our student!

Rilynn is being recognized for being respectful in Room 9! Rilynn is always kind to her friends, helpful in class and friendly to her teachers and peers. Way to go, Rilynn, we appreciate you!

Hudson is being recognized in Room 9 for being respectful! Hudson is kind to his teachers and friends. He is always helpful and hard working. Way to go, Hudson! We appreciate your kindness and respect to all!

Mrs. Marcoux  - Gerred A., Ardis C., Logan C, & Benny H. 

Gerred is always respectful to other students and teachers in room 5. He tries his best to be focused on the task at hand and polite. Great job Gerred!

Ardis is very respectful in Room 5. She is kind and polite to her classmates and teacher. Ardis always follows our classroom rules. Great job Ardis!

Logan is very respectful in Room 5. He is kind and friendly to all of his classmates. Great job Logan!

Benny is very respectful in Room 5. He is so friendly and positive. Benny does a wonderful job of being polite and helpful to his classmates. Great job Benny!


Mrs. Benato Jenavieve F. & J.C. A

In Room 16 we are recognizing Jenavieve for being RESPECTFUL. Jenavieve is always attentive during instruction and treats others kindly. She is considerate and polite. Way to go, Jenavieve!

In Room 16, we want to recognize J.C. for always being respectful. J.C. is a role model for his classmates with his great listening, kind words, and always being focused. Way to go, J.C.

Ms. Richard - Claire D., & Harper E. 

Claire Dutra is being recognized for being a respectful student at Fiddyment! She always remembers to wait her turn to talk, follow our class rules, and use polite words. She is one of the sweetest, kindest second graders I've ever met! Way to go Claire!

Harper E is being recognized for being a respectful student at Fiddyment! Harper is great at remembering to wait her turn to talk, and follow all the class rules. She is an all around amazing student!

Mrs. Schmidt  Kha'lail L., & Jill R.  

Kha'lail is RESPECTFUL in Room 17! Kha'lail always tries his best to be kind and courteous to others. He has been doing a great job of using respectful words, even when things aren't going his way. He is a leader in our class. Keep it up, Kha'lail!

Jill is RESPECTFUL in Room 17. She is always kind and helpful around her peers. She works hard and always does her best in class. She is a great example for others in our class. Great work, Jill!

3rd-5th Graders

3rd Grade

Mrs. Andrada Angel V. & Rhea R.

Angel is always very respectful to his classmates, teacher, and himself. Way to go Angel!

Rhea is always very respectful in class! Way to go Rhea!

Mr. Denney Christopher S.

Christopher S. is brand new to our school and he has come in and been awesome! He is a very kind and respectful student and it's great to have him in room 26!

Ms. Harless Harlow M. & Hannah B.

Harlow has been so focused on her schoolwork and she's putting in great effort in every area. She works so hard to get great scores in all subjects. Great job, Harlow!

Hannah is always focused on doing her best. Whether it's math, writing, or any other subject, I can always count on her to be doing exactly what she needs to. She is a dedicated student and a great role model. Great job, Hannah!

Mrs. Jackson Kingston J. & Olivia C.

Way to go Kingston, for being a respectful student! Room 20 can always count on you to listen when others are speaking. Thank you for always trying your best. Keep up the amazing work!

A huge shout out to Olivia for showing respect in the classroom and on the playground! Olivia demonstrates respect by listening to others, waiting her turn, and always including her peers. Room 20 is so proud to have her in our class as a model for all. Keep up the fabulous job, Liv!


Mrs. Bews - Cameryn L., Avenir G., & Austin G.

Cameryn is such an amazingly respectful student. She is always the first one to listen and follow directions. And she also encourages others around her to listen and follow directions as well. She is helpful and kind and I really appreciate her! Way to go Cam!

Avenir is ALWAYS a respectful student. He listens carefully and follows directions. He is always on task and doing the right thing. I appreciate how respectful Avenir is! Way to go bud!

Austin is a very respectful student. He always listens and follows directions. When I ask something of Austin he always does it the first time. I really appreciate how awesome Austin is.

Mrs. Cianci Clara M. & Carson M.

RESPECTFUL- This week in room 22 we would like to send a shout out to Clara M . for being our respectful student of the week. Clara is a students who is always respectful to her peers, classmates and teacher. Keep up the great work Clara!

This week in room 22 we would also like to recognize Carson for being a RESPECTFUL student of the week. Carson is a student who is respectful each and everyday, he is also a great role model to others. Great job Carson!

Ms. Pulis - Julia M. & Ellie N. 

Julia is a very respectful person both inside & outside of our classroom. She listens attentively, helps others, waits her turn, & is always very polite. She encourages others to be respectful too. Julia is a very RESPECTFUL 4th grader!

Ellie is a very respectful student. She listens attentively, waits her turn & is always very polite. She is eager to learn new things & participates in all class activities. Ellie is a very RESPECTFUL 4th grader!


Mrs. Hall Ella S. & Lucas D.

Congrats to Ella and Lucas for being Focused and Encouraging!

Mr. Swisley Kyra S. & Aryan L. 

Kyra was nominated by 3 fellow students who recognize her kindness, her gift of thinking of others, helping students who are in need, listening to others and fearlessly sharing her own experiences.

Aryan is a smart kid who asks big time questions of the world around him, and he is always willing to help others.

Mrs. Williams Kali H. & Lucas S.  

Room 30 would like to recognize Kali H. for being FOCUSED and RESPECTFUL. Kali is always doing her very best to complete all her work and staying on task. She is also always willing to help others in the classroom and outside the classroom with Peer Helpers & Safety Patrol. Way to go, Kali!

Room 30 would like to recognize Lucas S. for being FOCUSED and RESPECTFUL. Lucas is always giving his best effort in his daily work and learning. He is also super helpful in the classroom with his teachers and peers. Way to go, Lucas!

This school year, we are re-focusing our PBIS (Positive Behavior Expectations and Supports) structure to be more simplified for our students.  We are going to continue with our character themes of F.O.R.C.E. - Focused, Organized, Respectful, Compassionate, Encouraging, and put more emphasis on good character traits and habits.  

On the behavior side, to simplify the "behavior" expectations, we continue with
Be Safe - Be Responsible - Be Respectful  
These are very simple for our students to understand, and are easy to reinforce and celebrate when students follow expectations and make good choices!  These 3 main behavior expectations, will also carry over to Cooley Middle School, as they use the same 3.

When students do make good choices and follow behavior expectations, and show great character qualities of the F.O.R.C.E., they will be acknowledged at different times of the year, in different ways, from awards, to FORCE Tickets, to prizes - we want to acknowledge our FORCE students for showing up every day and being a true "FORCE" in our school!

If your child comes home with a FORCE ticket stub - they made a really good choice at school and should be encouraged to continue their positive choices and behaviors in the future!

The menu is scheduled to change, based on what food is delivered. 
The Breakfast at Fiddyment Farm will ALWAYS be the 

Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.