Wednesday, April 29, 2020

News From the FORCE - April 29, 2020

Welcome To Our School Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
April 29, 2020

Happy Wednesday FORCE Families!

We hope you are staying strong and staying healthy as we have now begun week 3 of distance learning!  In speaking with teacher's they report that it seems that they themselves have found their groove and that students and families have started to get into a good routine and now with most of the kinks out, things are going as good as they possibly could be in this situation.  Of course, all of the teachers are consistently saying how much they miss their students and how much they would give to be able to be back in a real classroom and back to normal day to day life.  I'm sure our families would probably say the same!

We hope your week 3 of distance learning is going great, you are all successfully navigating Google Classroom and the assignments for the students, and are able to virtually connect with our teachers!  Again, we understand the pressures of homelife during this shut down, and we only ask our students and families to try their best to participate in the most they can, while still maintaining a balance of mental and physical health! 

Please remember, that we are all in this together and we will do all we can to guide and support you and your children through this new and unique way of learning. 

Please check out the information below in the blog with some news about the Parent-Family Survey as well as other important links for parent resources during this time!

As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, our students, and our staff!  Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Ryan Poulsen - Principal
Fiddyment Farm Staff

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!

    We are the F.O.R.C.E.

    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story - Click the circle links: 

    Our annual Parent-Family Survey is ready to go out and we need your input PLEASE! 
    Every year Fiddyment Farm puts out a survey to our families in hopes of getting feedback on things we are doing well and ways we can improve for the next school year.  The survey results help drive the creation of school goals for the following year, so the more input we can get, the better! 

    Your 10 minutes of time will give us input on:

    1. Student Environment
    2. School to Home Communication
    3. Parent Involvement
    4. School Leadership and Administration
    5. Curriculum and Instruction
    6. Before/After School Activities
    7. Overall comments/suggestions for Fiddyment Farm

    For this survey, we are just asking for feedback on aspects of our "normal" portion of the school year.  We are NOT asking for feedback on distance learning at this time.  A separate survey dedicated to distance learning feedback will be coming out before the end of the school year!

    The survey will be open TODAY and will stay open until Monday, May 11th.  

    We can't thank you enough for sacrificing a few minutes of your time, in order to help us keep things running smoothly in the Fall, as well as create goals for areas of improvement that will benefit our students and families!

    This Friday is "School Lunch Hero Day"!  And although because we are closed, our Fiddyment lunch heros team, who help serve our students are not here at our site, they are still helping to give out breakfast and lunches at other school sites in the district, to those families in need!  

    We want to say THANK YOU to our school lunch heros who do an amazing job day in and day out to make sure our students have daily healthy meals!

    CHECK OUT THE LINK HERE for more info on School Lunch Hero Day!

    Have you visited the RCSD Continuous/Distance Learning Web Page yet?  There is a ton of great information about online learning and resources under the "Parent Resources" section, that you can access in the top right hand corner of the webpage!  Please take time to check it out!

    We will be setting up a date, TBD, in early June, where we will have families scheduled to come to the school site to retrieve the following:

    ~ All left over supplies/personal items from desks/classrooms

    ~ Completed student work samples

    ~ Spring Pictures (if your child had them taken)

    ~ School Yearbooks (if one was purchased)

    We will also use that day as a library book drop off date for those of you who still have school library books at home - to those of you that turned them in when you picked up supplies.
    THANK YOU!!!!!

    Distance Learning REMINDERS!

    1. ABOVE ALL ELSE - Please know that we at Fiddyment and everyone at RCSD know that we are all in unprecedented times and there are no "set in stone" expectations for students and families.  We don't want you all to feel overwhelmed with all of this new technology and school work, all the while dealing with a new way of living at home, with families trying to juggle working from home and having children in the home 24 hours a day - we get it - because most of us are living the same scenario!! 

    With that said, remember, there are no "grades" or "absences"  recorded - we can only provide students and families with our best possible experience for learning what they should be learning, to provide them with the best possible knowledge to make them as ready as possible to start again in the fall.  

    There are no final tests, or talks of retaining students - all we can ask is that students and families try their best by taking it day by day (try not to go ahead, slow down and absorb and reflect), and do what is possible, and of course reach out for help if needed.  And if possible, stay connected to your teacher and your classmates - again, nothing is mandatory or expected except an effort to participate as much as you can while managing the stresses of everyday life at home!

    2. KEEP AN EYE OUT - we remind you to please try your best with the limited time you have, to monitor your child's online activity, especially what they search for content and/or the interactions they may be having with others. REMIND your child, as our teachers already have, that everything they search for online while they are using their RCSD kids accounts, can be monitored and any negative or dangerous words, phrases, or activity will be flagged by the district and investigated by us.  So please be aware what they are searching for and  - if you are sharing a device with your child, please log them out of their RCSD account before you go to use the device and make a search for any content that is not kid friendly.  We will also be flagged for any content that is geared towards cyberbullying and/or unfriendly online behavior between students.   

    3. REACH OUT - Please remember, that you can always reach out to your teacher and or Mr. Poulsen for support and we will do our best to address your concern as quickly as we can.  If you are in need of supplies and/or having technology troubles, we are here to help! - Thank you!

    Roseville City School District is here to help!
    If you or anyone you know is struggling at home with coping with the stress this change has brought upon us all, our school district wants you to know that we are here to help you as best we can.  The district has trained professionals that can assist and support students and families, and we also have immediate access to and contacts in professional help through the Placer County Office of Education!

    If you are someone you know feels like they need to reach out for help (non-emergency help), then please click the link below and someone will contact your for support! - Thank you!


    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

    Friday, April 17, 2020

    News From the FORCE - 4/17/2020

    Welcome To Our School Blog!
    Message From Our FORCE Staff
    April 17, 2020

    Happy Friday FORCE Families!

    First off, we hope that you, your loved ones, and everyone close to you is healthy, safe, and finding successful ways of managing this new "normal for now".  We also hope your first week of online learning has been a smooth and successful one.  We have already gotten a ton of feedback from teachers and parents about how awesome things have started off.  The teachers put a ton of time and effort into making the process as engaging as possible for their students and it's great to hear that it is paying off so far.  With that said, I have also heard from staff and parents, at how dearly they both miss each other, and how the bond and relationship between schools and their community of children and family was probably taken for granted a little bit, and there will surely be such a sense of relief and happiness when things get back to normal!  We know teachers are desperately missing their live interaction with their students, and we know students are probably feeling the same about their teachers!  

    Hopefully you have all had the chance to log into your child's Google Classroom account and get going on the lessons, enjoying the videos from the teachers, and loving the experience of connecting with teachers and friends through virtual meetings!  We know the first week was not without glitches and troubleshooting, but once everyone is dialed in and supported in their new routine, we are confident that the next 6 weeks will be very successful at building a bridge of learning between the end of student's current grade level and preparing them for their next grade in the fall!

    Please remember, that we are all in this together and we will do all we can to guide and support you and your children through this new and unique way of learning. 

    As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, our students, and our staff!  Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care!

    Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead!

    Ryan Poulsen - Principal
    Fiddyment Farm Staff

      Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!

      We are the F.O.R.C.E.

      F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

      Follow Our Story - Click the circle links: 

      Check out our RCSD Fiddyment Website for all School and Staff Info!

      Have you visited the RCSD Continuous/Distance Learning Web Page yet?  There is a ton of great information about online learning and resources under the "Parent Resources" section, that you can access in the top right hand corner of the webpage!  Please take time to check it out!

      A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone family that came by last week and picked up your materials that the teachers prepared for your children to supplement the online learning.  As the teachers were preparing the necessities only, they were still under the impression that we had the possibility of returning in May, so not every item from every student's desk was handed out. However, now that we are all aware the school will be closed through May to end the school year, we will be working on getting all students materials back to families.  

      We will be setting up a date, TBD, in later May, where we will have families scheduled to come to the school site to retrieve the following:

      ~ All left over supplies/personal items from desks/classrooms

      ~ Completed student work samples

      ~ Spring Pictures (if your child had them taken)

      ~ School Yearbooks (if one was purchased)

      We will also use that day as a library book drop off date for those of you who still have school library books at home - to those of you that turned them in when you picked up supplies - THANK YOU!!!!!

      Distance Learning REMINDERS!

      1. ABOVE ALL ELSE - Please know that we at Fiddyment and everyone at RCSD know that we are all in unprecedented times and there are no "set in stone" expectations for students and families.  We don't want you all to feel overwhelmed with all of this new technology and school work, all the while dealing with a new way of living at home, with families trying to juggle working from home and having children in the home 24 hours a day - we get it - because most of us are living the same scenario!! 

      With that said, remember, there are no "grades" or "absences"  recorded - we can only provide students and families with our best possible experience for learning what they should be learning, to provide them with the best possible knowledge to make them as ready as possible to start again in the fall.  

      There are no final tests, or talks of retaining students - all we can ask is that students and families try their best by taking it day by day (try not to go ahead, slow down and absorb and reflect), and do what is possible, and of course reach out for help if needed.  And if possible, stay connected to your teacher and your classmates - again, nothing is mandatory or expected except an effort to participate as much as you can while managing the stresses of everyday life at home!

      2. KEEP AN EYE OUT - we remind you to please try your best with the limited time you have, to monitor your child's online activity, especially what they search for content and/or the interactions they may be having with others. REMIND your child, as our teachers already have, that everything they search for online while they are using their RCSD kids accounts, can be monitored and any negative or dangerous words, phrases, or activity will be flagged by the district and investigated by us.  So please be aware what they are searching for and  - if you are sharing a device with your child, please log them out of their RCSD account before you go to use the device and make a search for any content that is not kid friendly.  We will also be flagged for any content that is geared towards cyberbullying and/or unfriendly online behavior between students.   

      3. REACH OUT - Please remember, that you can always reach out to your teacher and or Mr. Poulsen for support and we will do our best to address your concern as quickly as we can.  If you are in need of supplies and/or having technology troubles, we are here to help! - Thank you!

      Roseville City School District is here to help!
      If you or anyone you know is struggling at home with coping with the stress this change has brought upon us all, our school district wants you to know that we are here to help you as best we can.  The district has trained professionals that can assist and support students and families, and we also have immediate access to and contacts in professional help through the Placer County Office of Education!

      If you are someone you know feels like they need to reach out for help (non-emergency help), then please click the link below and someone will contact your for support! - Thank you!


      Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
      The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.