October 19, 2020
We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and that your work week is off to a great start! As most of you are probably aware, the RCSD School Board voted on Thursday to allow schools to open to a modified 5 day per week program, due to Placer County moving up to the Orange Tier on their COVID -19 safety thermometer, which is good news, as that shows there are less cases of the virus spreading or being reported in our county. Because of this, the district has decided to forego the Hybrid Program for students to return to school, and starting November 4th, we will have students return to a modified tradition 5 day per week, in person, on campus school experience. The 5 days will be shorter in length and the school will still implement the majority of the safety measures and procedures that it had planned for students and staff under the Hybrid Program. Of course, those students/families that have chosen to do the "Champions Academy" and continue with distance learning, will still be able to do so until the end of the school year.
As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, our students, and our staff! Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care!
Have a wonderful weekend and remember to always - "BE A FORCE FOR GOOD"
Ryan Poulsen - Principal
Fiddyment Farm Staff

We are the F.O.R.C.E.
F - Focused O - Organized R - Respectful C - Compassionate E - Encouraging
Fiddyment Farm Elementary FTC Shoe Drive
We want your SHOES!
Have you cleaned out your closet lately? Those shoes that have been sitting there unworn, actually have value! We’re collecting gently worn, used and new shoes and we need your help. We’re looking for all types of shoes: sneakers, boots, dress shoes, sandals, athletic and casual shoes. We want them all!
Help us meet our goal of collecting 150 pairs of shoes in the next week, while helping others around the world. Here’s how…
Donated shoes are distributed to microbusinesses in developing countries where small business owners create a livelihood by selling shoes, while also supplying a much-needed commodity to their community.
· A pair of shoes can be the difference between a child being able to attend school or having to stay home.
· A pair of shoes can be used for bartering to provide food and nutrition for a family.
· A developing microbusiness can be the difference between a person earning $2/day or $60/day.
Donation bins will be near the doors in the multi-purpose room during material pick-up and drop-off through the end of October.
When school resumes in November bins will be located outside the office during school hours.
Questions: ffe.ptc.shoedrive@gmail.com
Hello Fiddyment Farm Force!
Speaking of the library, have you tried out our distance learning library option? Destiny Discover gives online access to our library catalog. It allows you to view and select any book the Fiddyment Farm Library has to offer.
To access our online library, click here: Fiddyment Farm Library.
username=student's ID number
password=student's birthdate (mm/dd/yy)
If you'd like some help navigating the virtual library, please click here:
Some important items to note while using our new online catalog:
You can select up to 2 books to put on hold at a time. After 2, it will not let you hold anymore.
Only ONE graphic novel per student.
You cannot "unhold" a book after it's been selected. The program does not allow you to do this, so please make your selection(s) carefully.
Once you place your books on hold, Mrs. Enos will pull your selections off the shelf, check them out to you and leave them on your teacher’s table in the MultiPurpose Room. You may pick the books up during Materials Distribution hours (Thursdays 3-6 p.m. and Fridays 9 a.m.-12 p.m.).
Books must be placed on hold by 12 p.m. Thursday to guarantee they will be in the Multipurpose Room for pick up that same week.
When you are done with your books, please return them to the library cart in the MultiPurpose Room during the next Materials Distribution times. Please be sure to put new books on hold if you'd like to pick up new books while returning your old ones.
Books will be quarantined for 7 days once they are returned, before being checked out to other students. Please note that returned books will remain on your account while they are quarantined. You can still check out other new books.
Books can be checked out for a 3-week maximum.
You are responsible for the safety of your books while you have them. If a book is damaged, you are responsible for the replacement cost.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Enos at: renos@rcsdk8.org. We thank you in advance for your patience while we transition to this new online process for our library, and hope it offers students a fun resource to explore new books!
Happy Reading!
Rachael Enos
Library Media Specialist
Fiddyment Farm Elementary
- Parents will line up outside the door of the MPR (distanced 6 ft apart)
- We will regulate the amount of people in the MPR . (Ex. when full, when 2 people leave, 2 people will then be let in and so forth)
- Everyone entering the MPR will be required to wear a face covering
- We ask that if possible, you PLEASE do not bring children with you, unless you have no other option.
- Learning Applications
- Forgotten usernames and/or passwords
- Not receiving District emails
- District Provided Mobile Device Support
- Registration Support