Welcome To Our School Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
May 22, 2020
Happy Friday FORCE Families!
We hope you are staying strong and staying healthy as we do a countdown of the days until the official end of the school year. That's right, after today, there are only 2 distance learning school days left, and then summer vacation officially begins! With that said, remember that Monday is a holiday (Happy Memorial Day) so there will be no online lessons or instruction given out that day. And the FINAL DAY of distance learning is Wednesday, May 27th! Teachers will be spending Thursday and Friday of next week packing up for their classrooms for the summer, which includes, packing up student materials to hand out the following week (see the message below within the blog).
Although this year is ending on a sour note, as we miss our students and families dearly and would have loved to wish them all a great summer in person, we are all so thankful for the constant support and love we have gotten from the community via email, zoom, google meet, phone, etc....you all have taken these unprecedented circumstances and made the best of it, which has allowed our teachers and support staff to thrive and know they are still making a difference in the lives of our students and their families. We don't yet know exactly what the fall will look like (see the message below within the blog) but regardless, we will all work together and strive to give maximum effort to make the experience as best as possible for everyone involved!
We hope your final week of distance learning next week goes great and remember to reach out with any questions or needs of support!
As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, our students, and our staff! Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care!
Have a wonderful weekend and a great last week of Distance Learning!
Ryan Poulsen - Principal
Fiddyment Farm Staff
Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!
We are the F.O.R.C.E.
F - Focused O - Organized R - Respectful C - Compassionate E - Encouraging
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We at Fiddyment Farm are just as anxious as all of all of our families to get definite news on our school re-opening in the fall. Unfortunately, the answer is not yet available, but we do know that our district is working closely with other districts in the county, as well as Placer County Departments of Education and Health to begin planning for different scenarios from opening normally to opening with multiple changes to address the safety of students and staff.
Below is a message that went out to families from Superintendent Garcia in case you missed it.
Dear RCSD Families and Staff,
I hope this communication finds you and your family healthy, and doing well, considering our circumstances. Allow me to thank you for your grace and patience during this most unusual school year. Education is truly an endeavor of the heart, mind, and soul, and every day you engage learning from home, you demonstrate that. Thank you!
As we complete the 2019/20 school year, we all wonder what school looks like on August 6, 2020. The real answer is: I don't know yet.
We are working with the State Department of Education, Placer County Office of Education, Placer County Health, and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on options for the 2020/21 school year. These options will include a full-time distance learning model for those parents who are not comfortable sending their children to school this fall. We will make final decisions after careful consideration of potential scenarios that follow physical distancing guidelines and ensure the health and safety of our students and staff.
Over the next two weeks, you will receive several surveys and requests for feedback: 1) 2020 RCSD Parent Planning Survey, 2) Distance Learning Feedback (a. Parent form and b. Staff form), and 3) a Middle School Boundary Presentation and Feedback communication. Your input is critical to our decision-making processes. I encourage you to review each communication and provide honest feedback.
Finally, Governor Newsom announced a 10% funding reduction to all public school districts in the state. This reduction equates to roughly a $12-14 million yearly cut in funding for RCSD. Educating children is a people business; therefore, 85% of our budget is people. A $12-14 million yearly cut in funding will have a profound and lasting impact on the programs and services we can provide our children.
As we face substantial challenges, I know we'll get through it with collaboration, community support, and an unconditional commitment to caring for our children.
I appreciate your partnership and look forward to reviewing your feedback as we continue to work together to serve all children in Roseville.
Derk Garcia, Superintendent
1050 Main Street, Roseville, CA 95678
(916) 771-1600 ext.50130 | dgarcia@rcsdk8.org | @derk_garcia
Thank you so much to our Fiddyment Farm families for their time and opinion for giving us feedback on our Annual Parent-Family Survey! We had a very high number of responses and got great information back from those who completed it. We will take the information to the School Site Council next year to create goals around improvement in any areas needed.
Again - your time and input is truly appreciated! - THANK YOU!
Fiddyment Farm is actively seeking help with our PTC Board and Event Chairpersons. There will be almost a whole new board next year that needs to be created, so if you would like to be involved, the students and the school need your help!
If you are interested in helping out as a board member, or perhaps being a chairperson for a PTC event next year - please fill out this FORM - CLICK HERE!
We will be having our FINAL Student Materials pickup of the school year coming up the week after school is officially over. We will be giving parents all student materials that they have left behind before the school closure. Depending on what students left behind and/or if they ordered any of the following, this may or may not include:
1. Student personal items (school supplies, headphones, books, etc)
2. Completed student work examples/projects/etc.
3. Spring Pictures (TK-4....If they were ordered by parents)
4. Fifth Grade Spring Pictures/Promotion Certificate
5. School Yearbook (If ordered by parents)
MAY 29th!
The dates of these pickup days will be
Tuesday - June 2 & Wednesday - June 3.
Windows of time will be broken up alphabetically and will be emailed out to parents next week. This will look very similar to the supply pickup that was done in March after school closure, including curbside pickup for parents to pull up in the loop and volunteers will be handing them to parents in their vehicles!
Keep an eye on your email for the upcoming schedule for the 2 days of pickup!
Any questions, please email Mr. Poulsen - rpoulsen@rcsdk8.org
Fiddyment Farm would like to announce that Ms. Kelly Harless, our outstanding 3rd grade teacher has been chosen to represent Fiddyment Farm for the award of "Teacher Who Makes a Difference" for the 2019/2020 school year!
This award is sponsored by ACSA (Association of California School Administrators), and each school site in RCSD chooses a teacher to be recognized as one that goes above and beyond for their students! Fiddyment is stacked with amazing teachers, but Mrs. Harless had overwhelming support to be chosen for this award for all she does for her students and for her school! She is adored by her students and their families, who constantly try to request her as their 3rd grade teacher. She is a phenomenal teacher who mixes in humor, knowledge, and creativity to build lasting relationships with her students and give them an awesome environment to learn in.
Beyond the classroom, she goes above and beyond for the staff and the school by being a leader on multiple committees including grade level leader, Yearbook, Project Lead the Way, District Assessment and Grading, and on top of that, she participates in all PTC and school wide events!
We are so lucky to have such a passionate and dedicated teacher here at Fiddyment and we are proud to make her Fiddyment Farm's Teacher Who Makes a Difference!!
Would you rather spend a summer day driving from store to store to purchase school supplies or get everything you need in one easy box? Great news! We are offering a supply kit program at our school this year. Kits include the exact colors, quantities, and brands your teachers have approved for class. Get your back-to-school shopping out of the way early and enjoy a summer day!
Simply place your order by May 29, 2020.
Order online at www.shopttkits.com.
Enter our school’s account number 97308.
Questions? Contact Amelia Thomas at ameliacthomas13@gmail.com
Just a REMINDER - Our 2nd Library Book Curbside Drop Off Day is:
TUESDAY - May 26th!
There will be a basket to drop library books into from your vehicle window!
The basket will be in the front loop from 9am through 3pm.
THANK YOU to everyone who already dropped their books off this week!!!
We really appreciate it!!!
Check out Mrs. Bews' upholding her promise to our FORCE for raising almost $9,000 in our
Pennies 4 Patients Fundraiser - Click on the link below to watch Mrs. Bews cut her hair like she promised!
Have you visited the RCSD Continuous/Distance Learning Web Page yet? There is a ton of great information about online learning and resources under the "Parent Resources" section, that you can access in the top right hand corner of the webpage! Please take time to check it out!
Roseville City School District is here to help!
If you or anyone you know is struggling at home with coping with the stress this change has brought upon us all, our school district wants you to know that we are here to help you as best we can. The district has trained professionals that can assist and support students and families, and we also have immediate access to and contacts in professional help through the Placer County Office of Education!
If you are someone you know feels like they need to reach out for help (non-emergency help), then please click the link below and someone will contact your for support! - Thank you!
Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.