Monday, March 18, 2019

News From the FORCE! - March 18, 2019

Welcome To Our Blog!
Message From Our FORCE Staff
March 18, 2019

Happy Monday FORCE Families!

We hope your March and your early Spring is off to a great start!

The students have started Trimester 3 off strong and our staff is doing an amazing job at making sure our students end the school year successfully, and ready for their transition to the next grade level, or for our 5th graders, their transition to Middle School!  We have many things ahead on the horizon as we make our way closer to Spring Break!

Please check out the blog below for info on registration for next school year, Starstruck, smart devices, and make sure to check out our awesome list of FORCE students who were recognized Friday at School SING for showing compassion for others!

As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm School, it's students, and it's staff!

    Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!
    We are the F.O.R.C.E.
    F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

    Follow Our Story: 

    REGISTRATION Reminder!
    If you have not registered yet, you should do so as soon as possible.  If your student is returning to Fiddyment Farm Elementary, will be a new student here, or a 5th grader moving on to Chilton Middle School, you still need to register, and can do so by following this link to the district registration webpage!

    Mark your calendars!
    It's that time of year again, and the Starstruck program is returning for Year 2 here at Fiddyment!  We are very excited to continue this tradition, as last year, both students, staff, and parents loved it!

    Practices for our dances begin next week - March 26th, and paperwork on the program and how to buy tickets for the shows will be going home soon!

    Mark your calendar for May 8 and May 9 which are the 2 Show Dates!  Your child will be performing on one of those 2 nights TBD - we can't wait!
    Smart Devices Reminder

    Please remember that smart devices/watches ARE allowed to be worn to school for BEFORE or AFTER school use or EMERGENCY communication situations only!  They ARE NOT to be used by students during class, lunch, or recess time. 

    Recently we have had multiple students getting text message or voice memos from parents sent during class and opened in class.  PLEASE refrain from sending your child messages during the school day via their smart device.  Sending something before school or after school is out, is so much better, and it lessens the chances for distractions. 

    Students who continue to use their smart device improperly, will be asked to remove the device and have the teacher hold onto it until parents can come and retrieve the device.  

    Thank you!

    Lost and Found - OVERFLOWING!
    If you know your child has lost a jacket, sweatshirt, lunch bag, water bottle, etc....please come and check out the lost and found!  It is put out in front of the school by the doors to the multipurpose room EVERY Day!

    We are getting ready to make our Spring Goodwill trip, and will be sending out all of our lost items to Goodwill after April 12!

    Yearbook Online Sale!
    Time is running out to get a YEARBOOK for this school year!  Online orders close on March 30th!

    HERE is the link to buy your Yearbook online!

    Fiddyment Yearbook Code is 13391319

    Please Support Our Awesome PTC
    If you haven't joined our amazing PTC yet, we highly encourage you to do so!  By becoming a member, you are NOT committing yourself to any meetings, duties, or obligation, however, you WILL be simply giving a membership fee that help support the awesome community events that the PTC puts on, as well as helping financially with purchases the school makes that enhance the learning and fun for our students!  By becoming a member, you also get voting rights to help guide the goals and choices that the PTC makes as a whole!



    Want To Volunteer at Our School?
    We would LOVE your help!  If you are interested in volunteering here at Fiddyment Farm, please click on the link to our district website - Volunteer Policy Page.  There  you will find information about the policy, the difference between Category I and Category II Volunteer, and all the needed paperwork in PDF form to get started! - Thank you for your time!

    School Spirit and School SING
    Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Stick" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  Last week, Mrs. Cianci won back the Spirit Stick with a 90+% of her students wearing their spirit gear to school - way to go!

    We had School SING on Friday, March 15th!  Check out the names and pic of some of our amazing students who were recognized by their teachers for showing Compassion for others!

    Here is a list and a pic of our COMPASSIONATE Students!


    Mrs. Bogert/Evans - Shahzad Y & Delilah B. - Shahzad is compassionate with his classmates. He is a wonderful friend. Keep up the great work!  Delilah is a compassionate person. She is kind and considerate to all! Way to be wonderful! 

    Mrs. Dyas - Sammy G. - In room 4, Sammy is always quick to give a friendly smile and make other kids feel welcome. He helps friends on the playground. Thanks for being a caring kid.

    Mrs. Ely - Ako M. - In room 12 we are recognizing Ako as a COMPASSIONATE member of the FORCE! Way to go, Ako!

    Mrs. Manley - Izzabelle A. & Jack M. - In Room #11 our COMPASSIONATE leaders are Izabelle and Jack! They are both good friends to others!! Keep it up!!

    Mrs. Van Voltinburg - Caitlin K. - In room 10 we are honoring Caitlin for being a compassionate friend! Way to go Caitlin!

    1st Grade

    Mrs. Finn - Chelsea L. - Chelsea is receiving the award for being COMPASSIONATE. Chelsea is a great helper in class and a good friend willing to help others. We appreciate Chelsea being compassionate in class. Congratulations!

    Mrs. Julian/Schacht - Jacob N. - Jacob is being recognized in Room 9 for being compassionate! Jacob is always kind, helpful and caring to everyone around him. We appreciate his happy and positive nature. Way to go, Jacob! 

    Mrs. Marcoux - Ellie B.- Ellie is always compassionate in Room 5. She is a caring thoughtful friend to all the students in our class. Thank you Ellie!

    Ms. Purcell- Ciara O. - Ms. Purcell's first grade class would like to congratulate Ciara for being COMPASSIONATE!!! Ciara is kind and caring with her classmates and always has a sweet smile on her face. Way to go Ciara!!!

    2nd Grade

    Mrs. Cutter - Gianna C. - Jianna is being recognized as a Compassionate student in Room 14. She is always willing to help me or her classmates in the classroom. She thinks of others and does nice things! Congratulations, Jianna!

    Mrs. Finn - Jett M. - Jett is receiving the award for being COMPASSIONATE. He shows concern for others and helps his friends when they need it. We can always count on Jett! Thanks for being compassionate!

    Ms. Johnson- Mia C.- Room 8 would like to acknowledge Mia for always being so compassionate! She is always willing to be a helper in the classroom and is kind to others. Way to go, Mia!

    Ms. Richard- Brecken E. - Brecken is being recognized for being a compassionate student at Fiddyment Farm. Brecken is always thinking and wanting to help others. He enjoys making people feel better when they are sad or upset. Whether it be someone hurt on the playground or frustrated with a math problem, he is always willing to help! Way to go Brecken! 

    Mrs. Schwartz - Caden J. - Room 17 is recognizing Caden as an extremely COMPASSIONATE 2nd grader! Caden shows kindness and thoughtfulness to all of his classmates every day. He makes our classroom and our school a compassionate place to be. Keep up the compassion Caden!

    3rd Grade

    Mr. Denney - Hannah H. - Hannah is always looking out for the people around her. She thinks about how to help someone when they need it. She is a very compassionate and caring person. Thank you Hannah for being such a great person!

    Ms. Harless - Gabby B. - Gabby is a wonderful, caring girl who is always concerned about her classmates. She wants to make sure everyone is included and no one feels left out. She is a great example of being compassionate. Good job Gabby!

    Mrs. Schmidt- Savannah J.- Savannah is COMPASSIONATE in Room 25! She is always looking out for others to include them and help them in any way she can. She is a leader in our class. Nice work, Savannah!

    4th Grade

    Mrs. Benato - Jake B. - In Room 16 we are recognizing Jake B. for being a compassionate student. Jake always greets his classmates and adults in the classroom, is friendly and caring to all of his peers, and is a great example of a kind student. He is a role model for his peers on how to be compassionate. Way to go, Jake! 

    Mrs. Cianci - Dante H. - This week in room 22 we are honoring Dante H. for being our COMPASSIONATE student of the week. Dante is a student who always thinks of others and cares about their feelings. He is a great role model to his peers and exhibits compassion to those around him. Way to go Dante!

    Ms. Pulis - Jack B.- Jack is a very compassionate person. He is the first to notice if someone is having a bad day or is struggling in class. He offers to help in any way that he can and his thoughtfulness shines through. Jack's caring nature make him a great friend to people of all ages. Jack is a very COMPASSIONATE 4th grader!

    5th Grade

    Mrs. Bews - Mackenzie M. -Mackenzie is a very compassionate kid! She never leaves anyone out and in class makes sure that everyone is included. If a classmate doesn't have someone to work with Mackenzie will often work with them! Mackenzie is kind, caring, and has been the perfect addition to Fiddyment Farm this year!

    Mrs. Williams - Shinobu J. - Room 24 would like to recognize Shinobu J. for being super COMPASSIONATE! Shinobu is always helping others in the classroom, helping other students with Peer Helpers, and keeping Fiddyment Farm safe during Safety Patrol. She is a wonderful example of being kind, listening to others, and showing compassion. Way to go, Shinobu! We are so proud of you!

    After School Enrichment At "The Farm"
    If you are you looking for some amazing enrichment opportunities for your child, we have some awesome after school programs starting up in September at Fiddyment!  There is a wide range of selection, from Art, Engineering, Coding, and Spanish.
    Lunch Menu
    RCSD Approved Community Flyers!

    Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
    How are we doing?  We love Feedback from parents on suggestions on how to keep our school amazing!  Have any concerns or any new ideas - Please Share and answer our short survey!

    The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

    Tuesday, March 5, 2019

    News From The FORCE - March 5, 2019

    Welcome To Our Blog!
    Message From Our FORCE Staff
    March 5, 2019

    Happy Tuesday FORCE Families!

    We have officially begun Trimester 3 and March is off and running!

    We are looking forward to some awesome things coming up - Father-Daughter Dance this Friday, Popcorn Friday this week, and Wild Things Assembly next week!
    Look for report cards for Trimester 2 to be sent home this Friday, March 8th!

    REMEMBER - TOMORROW - Wednesday - March 6th is an EARLY RELEASE DAY
    We will be on our Monday Early Release Schedule for all classes!

    Please check out the blog below for a new PTC Newsletter and our School SING recognized students for being Compassionate!  Oh and your last few days to order a Yearbook!

    As always, we want to thank our community of parents and guardians for supporting Fiddyment Farm School, it's students, and it's staff!

      Our school mission is to maximize learning for each member of our FORCE!
      We are the F.O.R.C.E.
      F - Focused  O - Organized  R - Respectful  C - Compassionate  E - Encouraging

      Follow Our Story: 

      REGISTRATION Reminder!
      If you have not registered yet, you should do so as soon as possible.  If your student is returning to Fiddyment Farm Elementary, will be a new student here, or a 5th grader moving on to Chilton Middle School, you still need to register, and can do so by following this link to the district registration webpage!

                                       Safety Reminder!
      Please remember that there are NO VEHICLES allowed to enter or park in the bus loop on the west side of the campus!  

      Recently we have had multiple incidents with parents dropping students off in the loop or waiting in the loop and being in the way of the bus.  Also, there is NO CROSSWALK there as well, so parking across the street and letting children cross to the loop, into the loop, is very dangerous.  

      Please follow all proper parking/drop off/ pick up rules and procedures of the neighborhood and the school for the safety of all.

      Thank you! 

      Yearbook Online Sale!
      Time is running out to get a YEARBOOK for this school year!  Online orders close on March 30th!

      HERE is the link to buy your Yearbook online!

      Fiddyment Yearbook Code is 13391319

      Please Support Our Awesome PTC
      If you haven't joined our amazing PTC yet, we highly encourage you to do so!  By becoming a member, you are NOT committing yourself to any meetings, duties, or obligation, however, you WILL be simply giving a membership fee that help support the awesome community events that the PTC puts on, as well as helping financially with purchases the school makes that enhance the learning and fun for our students!  By becoming a member, you also get voting rights to help guide the goals and choices that the PTC makes as a whole!



      Want To Volunteer at Our School?
      We would LOVE your help!  If you are interested in volunteering here at Fiddyment Farm, please click on the link to our district website - Volunteer Policy Page.  There  you will find information about the policy, the difference between Category I and Category II Volunteer, and all the needed paperwork in PDF form to get started! - Thank you for your time!

      School Spirit and School SING
      Each Friday is spirit day - students and staff are encouraged to wear their school spirit shirts, or sport the school colors - black and gold!  The class with the most students to sport their spirit for the day, wins the coveted "Spirit Stick" as a reward, to keep in their classroom for a week!  Last week, we awarded the Spirit Stick to the teachers for their awesome character costumes as they participated in "Read Across America Day" spirit day!

      We had School SING on Friday, March 1st!  Check out the names and pic of some of our amazing students who were recognized by their teachers for showing Compassion for others!

      Here is a list and a pic of our COMPASSIONATE Students!


      Mrs. Bogert/Evans - Mckenzie S & Josiah F.Mckenzie is showing compassion to her friends and classmates. She is very thoughtful. Keep up the great work Mckenzie! Josiah is showing compassion in Room 3. He is honoring our rules and showing kindness to friend and classmates. Keep up the great work Josiah! 

      Mrs. Dyas -Freya F. - In room 4, Freya is always concerned about her classmates and treats everyone with kindness. She is considerate to everyone. We appreciate her thoughtfulness.

      Mrs. Ely - Ella P. - Ella is being recognized in Room 12 for being compassionate! She is right there to offer support and hugs to her classmates. We are so proud of you, Ella! 

      Mrs. Manley - Madelyn & Leo. - In Room #11 our COMPASSIONATE leaders are Madelyn and Leo! Thank you both for being good, kind friends to others!

      Mrs. Van Voltinburg - Cole S. - In room 10 we are honoring Cole for being a compassionate member of the FORCE! Way to go Cole!

      First Grade

      Mrs. Finn -  Sophia D. - Sophia is is an awesome student receiving the award for being COMPASSIONATE! Sophia is helpful in class and on the playground. I can count on her be a good friend to everyone. Thank you for being so compassionate Sophia!

      Mrs. Julian/Schacht - Peyton B. - Peyton is being recognized in Room 9 for being compassionate! Peyton is always looking out for her friends. She is always wanting to be a helper both in the classroom and on the playground. She always wants to make sure everyone is happy and doing well. We appreciate you, Peyton, way to go! 

      Mrs. Marcoux - Carson M. - Carson is compassionate towards his classmates in room 5. He is always friendly and caring. We love having him as part of our class! Great job Carson!

      Ms. Purcell - Alessa T. - Ms. Purcell's 1st grade would like to recognize Alessa for being COMPASSIONATE! Alessa always has a friendly hello for her friends, and takes good care of everyone in our class, AND gives her teacher a good morning hug EVERY DAY! CONGRATULATIONS ALESSA!!!

      2nd Grade

      Mrs. Cutter- Poppy H. - Poppy is a COMPASSIONATE student! She is thoughtful, nice, and thinks of others. Congratulations, Poppy!

      Mrs. Finn- Hayden M.Hayden is receiving the award for being COMPASSIONATE. Hayden is a caring student who always does the right thing! He is helpful, sharing and caring. We are lucky to have such a great friend in our class. Congratulations Hayden!
      Ms. Johnson- Liam C. - Room 8 would like to acknowledge Liam for always being so compassionate and kind to everyone around him. Way to go, Liam!

      MS. Richard - Henry B -  Henry is being recognized for being a compassionate student in Room 13 and all over campus at Fiddyment Farm. Henry is one of the most considerate, helpful students I have ever met. He truly understands what it means to feel for others. Way to go Henry!

      Mrs. Schwartz - Isabella J. - Isabella is a truly COMPASSIONATE 2nd grader! Isabella is always helping her classmates and her teacher. If someone is hurt, she is right there to help them out. If someone needs cheering up, Isabella is right there to give them encouragement. She is such a caring and thoughtful girl! Keep up all of the compassion Isabella!

      3rd Grade

      Mr. Denney- Isabelle P. - Isabelle is very kind and considerate. She is always looking out for everyone and cares about all the people around her. She is very deserving of the Compassionate Award!

      Ms. Harless - Logan M. - Logan is amazing. He can tell when someone is struggling in class and he offers to help them and if someone is sad or hurt, he tries to fix it. He is a wonderful example of being compassionate! 

      Mrs. Jackson - Kensie M. - Kensie is a perfect example of a compassionate person! Kensie shows compassion for her fellow student by always making sure everyone is included. She is a super great friend and is always willing to help anyone in need. Thank you Kensie for a being compassionate and caring person!

      Mrs. Schmidt - Kendall G. - Kendall is COMPASSIONATE in Room 25. She is so thoughtful of those around her and always does what is right. We can always count on her to help anyone in need. Nice work, Kendall!

      4th Grade

      Mrs. Benato - Sofia R. - Sofia R. has been chosen to receive the award for being a COMPASSIONATE student in Room 16. She is caring, empathetic, helpful to others, and genuinely cares for all the students in our class. She is a joy to have in class and a great role model for her peers. Keep up the kindness Sofia! 

      Mrs. Cianci- Emma B. - This week in 4th grade room 22 we are honoring Ella B. for our COMPASSIONATE student of the week. Ella is a student who always shows compassion for others. Whether its in the classroom helping someone with their lessons or on the playground including everyone in the game, she's one compassionate kiddo. Way to go Emma- the world need more kids like you!

      Ms. Pulis - Erick S. - Erick is a very compassionate person. He is the first to notice if someone is having a bad day. He offers to help in any way that he can. His thoughtfulness shines through. Erick's caring nature make him a great friend to people of all ages. Erick is a very COMPASSIONATE 4th grader!

      5th Grade

      Mrs. Williams - Liana K. - Room 24 would like to recognize Liana K. for being COMPASSIONATE. Liana is always thinking of others, helping others, and offers compassion to those in need. Not only does she does this on a daily basis with her peers and staff, she shows great compassion when learning about the world around her. Liana is a wonderful example of spreading kindness and understanding to those around her. Way to go, Liana!! 

      After School Enrichment At "The Farm"
      If you are you looking for some amazing enrichment opportunities for your child, we have some awesome after school programs starting up in September at Fiddyment!  There is a wide range of selection, from Art, Engineering, Coding, and Spanish.
      Lunch Menu
      RCSD Approved Community Flyers!

      Thank you for reading our blog and supporting Fiddyment Farm Elementary School!
      How are we doing?  We love Feedback from parents on suggestions on how to keep our school amazing!  Have any concerns or any new ideas - Please Share and answer our short survey!

      The Governing Board is committed to providing equal opportunity for all individuals in education.  District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.